ES-CA received a letter from Mid-America Pipeline Company informing us of maintenance work that will take place on their pipeline located in Placitas. This work is described in the letter below and is basically a process to test the pipeline.
ES-CA has worked to develop relationships with the pipeline companies. As a result, we are now informed of any work that will take place on the pipelines. We are glad to see this continuing monitoring of the pipelines which will help to insure the integrity of them and the safety of Placitas residents.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Eastern Sandoval Citizens Association-President Ed Majka
Las Placitas Association-President Sandy Johnson
Courtesy notice,
On or about March 28, 2016, Mid-America Pipeline Company (MAPL) will be performing maintenance activities on its pipeline system near the western edge of the Placitas community. The work will involve receiving and removing from the pipeline an inspection tool known as a pig. This device, which is an important part of our ongoing integrity management program, travels inside the pipeline and provides valuable data we need to ensure continued safe and reliable operations.
The most visible sign of the work taking place will be a brief increase in the presence of vehicles and personnel in the area, which could be at the site during nighttime hours. However, there will be no excavation or flaring taking place, so disruption to the community should be minimal. For the operation, product in the pipeline will be replaced with nitrogen, a non-flammable, inert gas that will have no impact on residents or the environment. MAPL has notified the appropriate authorities of its plans and all necessary permits related to the operation will be obtained before work begins.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact Robert North Area Supervisor.
505-599-2895 Office
505-486-0713 Mobile