ES-CA held its General Meeting on Saturday, August 2, 2014.

The meeting was called to order at 2:05 pm by ES-CA President Bob Gorrell (BG). Directors present included: Lynn Koch, VP(LK); Orin Safier (OS)(Treasurer); Chris Daul (CD) (Secretary); Ed Majka (EM); Jerry Saxton (JS); and, and Tony Hull (TH).

BG welcomed everyone to the meeting and gave a brief description of ES-CA, its history and what it does. He then introduced the Directors and Committee chairpersons.


1. BLM Land: OS discussed the pending disposition of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) land in and around Placitas, which includes the Crest of Montezuma, the 200 acre tract wholly within Placitas, and the 3200 acre Buffalo Tract located to the north of Placitas. OS noted that the Crest of Montezuma has been the subject of pending Federal legislation that would transfer the property to the National Forest Service. The Buffalo Tract is the area of main concern to Placitas. The area is being sought by both the Santa Ana Pueblo and the San Felipe Pueblo. The San Antonio de Las Huertos Land Grant would also like to obtain 1500 acres of the Tract. The BLM is expected to release a resource management plan for the land by early 2015. ES-CA will be polling its membership to determine what uses residents endorse and which uses they oppose for the land.

2. Pipelines: OS also discussed the expansion of pipeline use in the Placitas area. There are three pipelines that traverse through Placitas. All are privately owned, but subject to Federal regulation. OS noted that ES-CA and La Placitas Association have attempted to obtain information regarding safety issues attendant to the expansion of use of these pipelines and have been thwarted by the Federal government. OS asked for volunteers to form a committee to pursue this matter. Please contact OS or ES-CA if you are interested in assisting on this matter.

3. Disposition of BLM Land and Possible Conditions: BG discussed the matter of ES-CA adopting a statement of issues regarding future use of the Buffalo Tract of the BLM land. A number of items were discussed by the Board and by members present. BG stated that the Board would review all comments and create a survey to be sent to all ES-CA members.

4. Fisher Gravel Mine and Asphalt Plant. EM noted that ES-CA had stopped Fisher from operating an asphalt plant, but that Fisher was continuing to remove gravel from the site. According to Fisher representatives, the material being removed was already mined and there is no current mining operation taking place. Fisher had previously applied to Bernalillo to have the site annexed by the Town and to be given permission to mine. That application has been withdrawn, but Fisher is expected to submit a new application to the Town.
ED also noted that the Political/Legal Committee of ES-CA meets the last Monday of each month at 6:30 pm at the Placitas Library. EM also discussed the Watchdog program wherein volunteers attend Sandoval County and Bernalillo meetings to report on issues affecting Placitas.

5. Gravel Mining in Placitas and Potential Legislation. JS discussed the current laws affecting gravel mining and noted that penalties for violations are very small and that gravel mining is under the jurisdiction of the County and not the State. JS noted that he has had discussions with Senator Sapien about this issue and is hopeful that legislation can be introduced and approved that will provide stronger oversight of gravel mining and stiffer penalties for violations.
JS stated that LaFarge is currently being sued by Sandoval County for violations and that the Environment Department is looking at issuing air pollution violations to LaFarge.

6. I-25 Interchange. BG discussed that he will be meeting with a third party engineer who has been charged with reviewing the interchange design in light of comments submitted by ES-CA to NM DOT about deficiencies in the design. Residents unanimously agreed that the interchange has problems, including lack of sufficient signage. BG will report after his meeting.
7. Water, Placitas, Texas and Mining. TH reported that gravel mining is a high water use and has been having a negative impact on the aquifers in the Placitas area.


1. Political/Legal. EM noted that the P/L committee has been working to monitor meetings; has met with elected officials, including Congresswoman Michele Lujan Grisham and State Senator John Sapien and is continuing to work with Bernalillo town officials. ED also noted that ES-CA, along with the Placitas Library, will be hosting a candidates’ forum on September 20, where the candidates for Sandoval County Commission, District 1, Sherriff, Assessor and State Representative, District 22, will be appearing.
2. Communications. CD noted that ES-CA has been publishing a monthly article in the Signpost (with thanks to the Signpost) and that the ES-CA Forum is being used extensively to inform residents about issues in the area.
3. Membership. JS discussed that ES-CA currently has between 250- 275 members, but that there is a need for additional members.
4. Land Use Protection Trust. Dick Ulmer began by explaining what the LPT is and what it is being used to do – which is to work on mining issues in the Placitas area. Specifically, the LPT is monitoring the County lawsuit against LaFarge. Dick noted that the LPT needs additional funds in order to cover legal costs for participating in the legal process.
5. Watchdogs and Calendar. LK spoke about the Watchdog program wherein volunteers attend various local and county governmental meetings and report on issues of importance to Placitas. LK stressed the need for more volunteers.


BG noted that the 3 at-large director positions were up at the end of this year.
nominations were received for Bob Gorrell, Lynn Koch and Susan Fullis. The period
for nominations is still open and anyone can nominate them self or anyone else. elections will be held in the fall.


Rebecca Skartwed spoke on behalf of the San Antonio de Las Huertos Land Grant. She
gave a brief history of the Land Grant and then spoke about the Land Grant’s position
concerning the BLM land. She noted that the Land Grant was interested in obtaining 1500 hundred acres of the land to be used for hiking trails and picnic areas, a museum about the history of the Land Grant and a 100 acre solar farm.
Lynn Montgomery of the Coronado Soil and Water Conservation District spoke about the District’s role in protecting the land in the area from erosion.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 pm.

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