Eastern Sandoval Citizens Association (ESCA)
Signpost article, October 2022 Edition
Eastern Sandoval Citizens Association (ESCA) Report
By Virginia Jordan, ESCA Board of Directors
You may have noticed a nip of fall in the air and that should bring to mind the General Election that is looming on the horizon. November 8th is the date so please mark your calendar and plan to VOTE. Note that Early Voting begins as soon as October 11th at the County Clerk’s Office. Sandoval County will begin early voting on October 22, and it will last until November 5.
If you are interested, for whatever reason, in voting absentee, go to nmvote.org, scroll down to Request Absentee Ballot Application Online and take a couple of minutes to fill out the necessary information. You will receive your absentee ballot application in the mail. Complete the application and return it in the mail using the free postage. You will receive an official envelope with your ballot. Vote and either return it in the mail or place it in the official drop box. Absentee ballots must be received before 7:00 pm on election day, November 8.
All Placitas residents will be voting at the Placitas Community Library. For your convenience there will be an Absentee Drop Box in front of the library.
Another Fall happening is the semi-annual ESCA Highway Clean Up effort on October 23 beginning at 9:00 am. Meet at the rest area at the start of the first mile of Hwy 165. We welcome all comers! Bring gloves, sunscreen, and trash bags.
Please note that the ESCA Annual Meeting will be held on October 2, 4:00 pm at the Placitas Community Library. Members are welcome and encouraged to attend. We will enjoy a social half hour with speakers and a short meeting to follow. We ask that you RSVP to president@es-ca.org.