by ES-CA Communication Committee
May 8, 2012
The monthly ES-CA Board of Directors meeting was held on May 7, 2012. The evening meeting was dominated by extensive discussions about the La Farge gravel mining operations.
Apparently, over some period of time the previous La Farge management made written promises to nearby Placitas communities about ceasing their operations. People living in those communities have therefore assumed that the operations would cease fairly soon. However the current management has said that they were not even aware of the existence of these letters. The present La Farge lease with Mt. Adams Holding Company, who owns the land, is due to expire in 2015.
The ES-CA board approved sending a letter to Mt. Adams asking for direct discussions with them about the community concerns. ES-CA will also send a letter with a personal appeal to Mr. Bill Gates of Microsoft fame, who is a major stock holder of Mt. Adams, to use his influence in this matter. In addition, Tony Hull and Tom Ashe will continue direct discussions with the local La Farge management about the various issues.
ES-CA’s Legal Committee will review all documents related to the La Farge lease and operations and will report to the Board on their findings.
The other significant item on the agenda was the presentation of a $1,000 donation from the Anasazi Home Owners Association, presented to the Board by AHOA’s President Dick Ulmer.
Members of the ES-CA Legal Committee continue to attend ESCAFCA’s (Eastern Sandoval County Arroyo and Flood Control Authority) Board of Director’s meetings and monitor their actions, since there are serious concerns about compliance with the ESCAFCA Legislation severing Placitas from ESCAFCA, which ES-CA members were instrumental in getting passed.
The Board briefly discussed the proposed Santa Rosa Development, on the north frontage road, which will be considered during the May 8 Bernalillo Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. The present proposal is to place an apartment complex there with over 400 units. All interested ES-CA members are encouraged to attend the P&Z meetings and voice their opinions. Please read more at
The Board is awaiting response from Fisher Sand and Gravel regarding their plan to restore the land as required by Sandoval County.
The Board decided to invite all Home Owners Association presidents, plus those representing other resident communities in the ES-CA area, to the regular Board meetings to establish closer relationships and find ways to work together on issues of common interest.
Unfortunately, the ES-CA Membership Committee chair is still vacant. Please contact ES-CA via e-mail at if you are interested in volunteering for this or any other committee.
The next ES-CA Board meeting will be on Monday, June 4 2012, 6:30PM at the La Puerta office. All ES-CA members are welcome to attend.