Proposed Bar and Restaurant in Algodones

Proposed Bar and Restaurant in Algodones

Owners of a property in Algodones, right off the I-25 freeway and to the west of it, have applied to open a store, restaurant and bar there. The area is presently zoned to allow for businesses, including stores, restaurants and bars, but requires that they be closed by 9 PM. The applicant has requested Conditional Use zoning to allow the establishment to be open until 2 AM. The County Planning and Zoning Commission has twice denied this application to extend the hours of operation until 2 AM. The applicant is appealing this denial to the Sandoval County Commission.

That appeal will be heard at the County Commission Meeting on July 18, 2013, at the Sandoval County Administration Building. The meeting begins at 6 PM, though this agenda item will probably be heard later in the meeting.

Algodones, our neighbor to the north, relies on the same Sandoval County Sheriff’s Office for their police protection as does Placitas. Both areas also rely on the same fire and rescue services. In addition, other than the casinos, there are no establishments, that serve liquor, open later than 10 pm in the Placitas, Algodones, Bernalillo area. Statistics show that establishments serving liquor tend to have more need for police, fire and rescue services the later in the evening they are open. We all have to share the same emergency services we have in Sandoval County.

Many Algodones residents have previously objected to the granting of a later closing time for this proposed bar and restaurant. If you wish to make your opinion known on this matter, you may attend the Sandoval County Commission meeting.

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Placitas Free Ranging Horses


As we are all aware, there is a situation with free ranging horses in the Placitas area. No one claims ownership of the horses, their exact status has not been officially recognized, and State and County officials have not proposed any plans at this time.

ES-CA is ready to support a viable plan that reflects the position of a consensus of Placitas residents. While a number of plans have been put forward, the only one that seems viable is WHOA’s (Wild Horse Observers Association) proposal to administer contraception to the horses, which addresses only one aspect of the issue. This proposal has not been approved by the controlling governmental agencies.

ES-CA is not a governmental agency. It has no powers to implement any laws, regulations or rules. Its role has been to support community positions that benefit residents, and, to oppose proposed actions that will be harmful to residents. We have called upon our State officials to explain why WHOA’s contraception proposal has not be acted upon: Letter to State Livestock Board.

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Horse Meeting

Placitas Wild Horse Meeting 

On June 5, 2013, Sandoval County Commissioner Orlando Lucero convened a meeting of interested parties to discuss the wild horse situation in Placitas.   While there were many participants, only a few ideas were offered.

Both the San Felipe Pueblo and Santa Ana Pueblo disclaimed any ownership of the horses, but San Felipe did say that they have implemented a birth control plan using PZP, but there were no further details.

WHOA commented that they want to remove 30 – 40 horses and want to implement their own PZP plan, but need approval from the NM Livestock Board.

Coronado Water and Soil Conservation stated that the issue is one of soil erosion and drinking water and that the horses are heavily contributing to these problems.  They have requested that the NM Livestock Board have the horses removed.

The BLM stated that the NM Livestock Board has jurisdiction over the horses and, that due to current litigation, they cannot comment further at this time.

The NM Livestock Board admitted that the horses are their responsibility, but offered no plans.

The US Forest Service said that if the horses continue to have a negative impact on USFS land, they will request that the NMLB remove the horses.

No plan was offered as to how to manage the horses in their current location, other than the use of PZP to attempt to control further breeding.  The onus appears to be on the NM Livestock Board, since they are the governmental entity responsible for the horses.

ES-CA will continue to monitor the situation and will work with other entities if there is a practical plan put forward that has the support of required government agencies.  However, it appears as if the NM Livestock Board has to take the lead, since they are the only governmental agency that is responsible for these horses.


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Sandoval County Fire Department Bans Open Burning

Sandoval County Fire Department Bans Open Burning

Sandoval County, NM, April 30, 2013—The Sandoval County Fire Department has stopped issuing burn permits for the unincorporated areas of Sandoval County.

In recent days, the county fire department has responded to several wild land fires. In addition, several county residents who are accustomed to performing agricultural burns have reported their fires getting out of control.

“We realize that agricultural burning is crucial for certain farming operations,” Sandoval County Fire Chief James Maxon, said. “However, the risk of having a fire get out of control is too great at this point.”

As a result, all open flame sources such as campfires and agricultural burns will be banned until further notice.

“I strongly encourage everyone to be vigilant about fire prevention so a catastrophic fire does not occur,” Chief Maxon added.

In addition to the ban on open burning, the use of fireworks is prohibited in any wild land area in Sandoval County. The use propane grills is still allowed, though smoking outdoor is discouraged.

The fire ban and fireworks restrictions will be enforced by the Sandoval County Fire Marshal and the Sandoval County Sheriff’s Office. Anyone found to be conducting an open burn or using illegal fireworks will be subject to arrest and or fine. County residents should report illegal burning or fireworks to 505-891-7226.

Sandoval County Fire Personnel that encounter an illegal burn should contact law enforcement.

James Maxon

Fire Chief
Sandoval County Fire Department

Office: 505-867-0245

Fax: 505-867-6256


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BLM Pipeline Project Update – Denies Extension Request

For full information on this topic see the LPA web site, here

The Farmington BLM office has responded to the request (see hereby LPA (Las Placitas Association) and ES-CA for an extension to the comment period on the WEPIII Pipeline Project Environmental Assessment (EA), by denying that request.  See the BLM’s denial of request letter here.  The proposed pipeline would carry natural gas liquids, such as butane and propane, and would utilize old pipelines presently running through Placitas, through Las Huertas Creek and in the vicinity of the Creek.  It would increase the volume and pressure of material running through those pipes.  There are already safety concerns with the present pipeline, due to its age, how it is subject to erosive damage, as became apparent during flooding events such as occurred in 2006, and how it was originally built when there was a far lower population density in the Placitas area, such that even if the pipes were in brand new condition they might not be safe to operate in our present community.  So the added volume and pressure running through these old pipes raise very legitimate concerns for the safety of our community.  This is especially so in the present drought, with conditions so tinder dry, such that an explosion of highly volatile fuels could easily ignite a major fire that would spread throughout large portions of Placitas and beyond.

Due to the denial of extension,the official comment period ended last Friday, April 26.  LPA and ES-CA issued our comments on April 26 (see here), which also protested the BLM’s denial of our request for extension.  The BLM also disappointed us by backing away from a previous offer to host a public meeting on this important matter for our community.

The most objectionable aspect of the BLM’s response was to deny that they had any responsibility to report on public safety concerns in the EA.  They passed the buck on this to the federal Dept. of Transportation PHMSA (Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration).  We have been in contact with PHMSA on this issue, and at their request have issued FOIAs (Freedom of Information Act requests) for vital information on the safety issues involving this pipeline running through Placitas.  Thus far PHMSA has not responded, long past the 20 days they had to respond.

In our response letter we cite a recent federal district court ruling in California by Judge Grewal, which invalidates BLM’s similar attempt there to pass the buck on public safety concerns as regards a fracking project.  Judge Grewal ruled that because BLM took the lead on the EA for that project, it could not properly claim that public safety factors were “outside the scope of this EA because they are not under the authority or within the jurisdiction of the BLM”.  Applying this to the Farmington BLM office’s attempt to evade the public safety issues in their EA, it should also be ruled as inadequate.  The BLM office issued a FONSI – a “Finding of No Significant Impact” – on this EA, thus claiming that a more extensive EIS (Environmental Impact Study), with full risk assessment, is unnecessary.  But clearly there is major impact on our community if there are any unanswered safety problems with the proposed project.

We will be pursuing this issue, vital to Placitas, at various governmental levels.

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The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) just announced that they are accepting comments on the proposed Western Expansion Pipeline III project.  The project proposes to substantially increase the pressure in the existing natural gas liquid pipeline that runs through Diamond Tail, Las Huertas Creek, the Placitas Open Space, and the 3100 acre BLM “Buffalo” parcel.  “Natural gas liquids” are substances like propane and butane, which are byproducts of natural gas wells.

ES-CA and the Las Placitas Association are primarily concerned about the continued safe operation of the pipeline in our community.  To that end, we have engaged BLM on the lack of safety information in the Environmental Assessment, and has filed a Freedom of Information Act request for safety records for this pipeline with the U.S. Office of Pipeline Safety.  LPA and ES-CA representatives have also met with State pipeline safety officials on this issue.  LPA and ES-CA will be submitting detailed comments regarding the safety of this project on behalf of their members.

The project Environmental Assessment link is located here on the LPA website.  It is 155 page PDF document.

The public comment period ends April 26, 2013.  Comments may be directed to Ms. Lorraine Salas, Project Manager, Bureau of Land Management,

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I-25/US 550 Interchange Reconstruction Has Begun

You may have noticed the “Road Work Ahead” signs that have been placed on I-25, US 550 and Highway 165. These are for the interchange reconstruction and the improvements to Highway 165 and US 550 between the interchange and NM 313.

The project will include: reconstruction of the 1-25/US 550 interchange ramps, pavement rehabilitation on the existing lanes on NM 165 and US 550, and widening of US 550 and the existing bridge over I-25. The work will also include drainage improvements, an intelligent traffic system, signals and lighting, two new pedestrian bridges over the railroad tracks, backage roads north and south of US 550, the new Hill Road Bypass, reconfiguration of the north and south frontage roads, and new median cable barrier on I-25.

The contractor, FNF Construction, had a public awareness meeting on March 20 at Bernalillo High School. Approximately 30 people were in attendance. At the meeting, questions were answered and the project schedule was presented. The contractor provided the schedule shown below (click on image for a larger view). The project is anticipated to be complete by the end of September 2013.

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Bernalillo PSD Bond Election, Feb. 5

On Tuesday, Feb. 5, there will be a school bond election for the Bernalillo Public School District, which includes Placitas.  The County Bureau of Elections told me today that the voting place for all Placitas voters will be the Placitas Elementary School.

The following information is from an article in the Albuquerque Journal, Rio Rancho Edition, 1/5/13:

There are two ballot questions.  One is for a $20 million bond issue.  If approved the mill rate for that tax item will stay at the present rate: 9.47.  If the bond does not pass, the mill rate will drop to 8.18 the first year.  It could presumably drop more in subsequent years.

The second ballot measure is for a 2 mill tax, which will generate $6.8 million over 6 years for maintenance and technology.  There is presently a 2 mill tax for that purpose.  If the measure does not pass, this 2 mill tax will not appear on the next property tax bill.

The $20 million bond measure is to pay for a major renovation of Bernalillo High School, major renovations to Santo Domingo Elementary and Middle School, and replacement of the gym at Cochiti Elementary and Middle School.  $2 million to $5 million will be for the Bernalillo High School, $10 million for the Santo Domingo School, and $4 million for the Cochiti gym.  The article says that at least $7.8 million will be for technology upgrades and small projects around the district, which will presumably come both from the $20 million bond and the $6.8 million for the 2 mill tax.

The entire Bernalillo High School project will cost $44.5 million.  The district presently has $19.9 million set aside, and the state has awarded $19.6 for this project.  The amount from the $20 million bond that would go towards that project is not expected to cover all the costs, and it is expected that more will be needed from a bond measure to be passed later.

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Bernalillo School District Bond Election, February 5

There will be a Bernalillo Municipal School District (BMSD) and Bond Election on Tuesday, February 5, 2013.  It will include 3 ballot items: 1) Election of 2 school board members, 2) A ballot measure for a 2.0 mill property tax for capital improvements, and 3) A ballot measure to issue general obligation bonds not to exceed $20 million, which would largely go to construction and maintenance of schools in the district.  The BMSD includes Bernalillo, Algodones and Placitas, as well as more outlying areas such as Cochiti and Pena Blanca, and the nearby pueblos.  The Placitas Elementary School is part of BMSD.  These ballot measures, if passed, would affect property taxes in all these areas subject to property tax.

Our property tax bills presently include 3 items for BMSD: 1) 9.471 mill for debt service, 2) 2.0 mill for capital improvements, and 3) 0.169 mill for operations.  For most property owners in Placitas this accounts for over 40% of their total property taxes.  According to officials with BMSD, the ballot measure for 2.0 mill would replace the present 2.0 mill tax, which expires next year, thus leaving that particular tax unaltered.  Also, if the $20 million bond measure passes then this would not significantly change the 9.471 mill tax.  We do not yet have precise information how that tax rate would be affected if the bond measure were voted down.

According to a brochure published by Bernalillo Public Schools, the 2.0 mill levy is intended to generate approximately $6.8 million, to be used to maintain and improve buildings, and purchase equipment.

According to this brochure, the $20 million bond is intended to be applied to a number of projects, including:

  • Construction and renovation for Bernalillo High School
  • Construction and renovation for Santo Domingo School
  • Continued technology upgrades district-wide
  • Roofing repairs district-wide
  • Athletic field upgrades district-wide
  • Cochiti gymnasium

There is already an agreement between BMSD and the New Mexico Public School Facilities Authority (NMPSFA) that they would share close to equally in the funding of the Bernalillo High School and Santo Domingo School construction and renovation.  Both are expected to involve extensive renovation of existing buildings and possibly the construction of some new structures.  If the $20 million bond measure were to fail these projects would probably not go forward at this time.  This $20 million might not fully pay the BMSD portion of these projects, so a further bond measure in 2016 might be required.

Among the voting locations will be the Bernalillo Auxiliary Gym for residents of Bernalillo, the Placitas Elementary School for residents of Placitas, Pena Blanca Community Center, Cochiti Lake Fire/EMS, and Community Centers on the pueblos.  Absentee voting will also be conducted in the Sandoval County Clerk’s office.

Materials from BMSD related to this election can be found here and here.


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Pipeline Project Comment Period Extended to Dec. 5

Comments for Pipeline Project Extended to Weds., December 5


The Farmington BLM Field Office has extended to December 5 the period for public comments regarding their preparation of an EA (Environmental Assessment) on a proposed project for an interstate natural gas liquids pipeline, which would use existing pipelines running through Placitas, including the Placitas Open Space.  Comments can be submitted by mail to:

Lorraine Salas

BLM National Project Manager

1800 Marquess St.

Las Cruces, NM 88005


or by email to:

We must correct an error that appeared in a previous LPA announcement about this project.  We wrote there that the pipeline would carry “liquified natural gas”.  Instead the pipeline is proposed to carry “natural gas liquids”, which are substances like butane and propane.

Further information on this project can be found on the LPA website here.  Please check the site for updates as we learn more.  The BLM website page discussing this project is here.

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