BLM RMP for Placitas Area – “Preferred Alternatives” are Mining & Land Transfer
(updated 8/14/2012 with announcement of August 26 Community Meeting)
(updated 7/27/2012 with new information and analysis, also a map — this also appears in the August Signpost)
BLM RMP Map, Placitas Area – Parcels A and B (Crest of Montezuma not marked) (click for map)
Update: There will be a Community Meeting on the Draft RMP, Sunday, August 26, between 2 and 4 PM, at the Placitas Elementary School in Placitas Village. All are invited to attend. The purpose will be to discuss what is in the Draft RMP, what the main issues are, when public meetings will be held, and how to most effectively submit responses and comments to the BLM.
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has finally released the Draft Resource Management Plan (RMP) for the Rio Puerco Field Office. This covers a large area in central New Mexico, including Sandoval County. In particular there are 3 BLM parcels in the Placitas Area:
Parcel A – Approximately 3500 acres to the immediate north of Placitas, and bordering the San Felipe tribal lands on its north.
Parcel B – 200 acres within Placitas, bordering the Overlook, Cedar Creek and Ranchos de Placitas subdivisions.
Parcel C – Crest of Montezuma, on the east end of Placitas.
The map with this article shows parcels A and B in yellow, with the Placitas Open Space in blue. The full draft RMP, along with maps, can be viewed on the Las Placitas Association web site, at The hard copy can also be viewed at the Placitas Community Library.
When finalized the RMP will determine how these lands will be managed for the next 20+ years. Now that the draft RMP has been released, there is a 90 day public comment period ending on Oct. 11, 2012. After that the BLM will finalize the RMP, based largely on the inputs it receives. This will be our last opportunity to affect the outcome of the plan, so everyone concerned should attend meetings and submit comments to the BLM. Comments that will be most effective are those that challenge data submitted with the draft RMP, and/or provide relevant data missing in that document. They may be submitted electronically at:, or by mail to: Bureau of Land Management, Attention: Angel Martinez, 435 Montaño Road NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87107. For questions about the planning process, please contact Angel Martinez, Rio Puerco Field Office RMP Team Lead, at 505-761-8918.
BLM will hold a number of public meetings within the 90-day comment period. The one for Sandoval County will be held on September 17, from 6 – 8 PM, at the Bernalillo High School Gym. LPA (Las Placitas Association) is working with other community groups to organize a Community Meeting in Placitas before the BLM public meeting. The purpose of this Community Meeting will be to provide information, to discuss the main issues, and to provide instruction on how to submit productive, substantive comments to the BLM. The date of this Public Meeting is yet to be determined. It will be published in the next Signpost, and also notification will be sent to members of LPA and other local community organizations.
The draft RMP contains 4 alternatives for each parcel of land. Alternative A is a “No Action” alternative, which leaves things just as they are. It is unlikely this will be adopted. Alternative B emphasizes conservation uses, with the minimum of resource/economic development. Alternative D emphasizes development, with the minimum of conservation uses. Between Alternatives B and D is the “Preferred Alternative”, Alternative C, which attempts to balance conservation with development uses. What ends up in the final RMP is often a mixture of Alternatives B, C and D. Community input is crucial to determining the final outcome. The following describes only the “Preferred Alternative” for the 3 Placitas parcels:
Parcel A (north of Placitas) – “Placitas would be managed as controlled surface use (CSU) for extraction of leasable fluid minerals, open to extraction of salable minerals and locatable mineral entry in Section 13, Township 13 North, Range 4 East and Section 18, Township 13 North, Range 5 East.” (Section “Leasable fluid minerals” refers to oil and natural gas, along with other fluids. If this became part of the final RMP, then all of Parcel A, also presumably B and C, would be open to extraction of oil and gas. “Salable minerals” include sand and gravel, “locatable minerals” include gold, silver and uranium, among other minerals. Sections 13 and 18 are two squares, partly yellow and partly orange on the map, located on the north edge of Parcel A, overlapping the San Felipe Pueblo. Section 13 is the square that begins ½-mile to the north of the Placitas Open Space, while section 18 is the square immediately east of section 13. Section 18 comes closer to some private lands, to the southeast, than any part of Section 13. The Preferred Alternative opens only these two sections in the Placitas Area to the mining of gravel and other solid minerals.
Parcel B (200 acres) – “Land Ownership Adjustment” (Table 2.13) This means that this 200 acre parcel bordering Overlook, Cedar Creek and Ranchos de Placitas would be subject to transfer of ownership to other public or private entities.
Parcel C (Crest of Montezuma) – “May consider transferring management jurisdiction to another public land management agency.” (Table 2.13) “Fluid minerals would be leased with a CSU (controlled surface use) stipulation.” (Table 2.29) “Motorized travel would be limited to existing roads and trails for permitted use. Open to primitive non-motorized travel.” (Table 2.29) The first of these statements refers to the possibility of transferring the Crest to the Forest Service, as per HR 491 sponsored by Representative Martin Heinrich, which passed the U.S. House of Representatives on a unanimous vote. Presently we are awaiting the bill’s introduction in the U.S. Senate. If it passes there, and the President signs the bill, then the Crest will transfer to the Forest Service. However if this transfer does not occur then the BLM “Preferred Alternative” is to open the Crest to oil and gas extraction, but not to salable or locatable mineral extraction, also to allow motorized travel only along existing roads and trails.
Here are some of the issues of concern to residents in Placitas, Bernalillo and other surrounding communities:
Oil & Gas Extraction: Opening lands to oil and gas extraction can cause leaks into the aquifers. This can occur even with mere exploration for oil and gas reserves. The aquifers under the BLM lands service both Placitas and Bernalillo, among other areas. The “Preferred Alternative” for the Crest of Montezuma allows for oil and gas extraction. Preventing this is a strong reason to push for transfer of the Crest to the Forest Service. The draft RMP indicates that there is one oil and gas lease near Placitas (section, and there have been other explorations. So it is a real possibility that oil and gas exploration and possibly extraction would occur in the Placitas Area if it were allowed for in the RMP.
Gravel Mining: Only Sections 13 and 18 in Parcel A would be open for gravel mining under the “Preferred Alternative”. Section 13 is a half mile or more from Placitas private lands, but parts of section 18 are closer to private lands. The community may seek to eliminate such mining entirely in the BLM lands, or to limit it only to areas a sufficient distance from private lands.
Wild Horses: During the initial comment period for the RMP many residents of Placitas and elsewhere submitted comments requesting that Parcel A be turned into a Wild Horse Preserve, or otherwise protect the horse herds that roam through there. The BLM ruled that these comments were “out of scope”, meaning that they could not be taken into account when formulating the RMP. However section 2.4.2 of the draft RMP, titled “Wild Horse Preserve, Sanctuary, State Park, or Herd Management Area Alternative”, explicitly addresses this issue. It rejects the existence of wild horses within the Rio Puerco Planning Area, including the Placitas Area. It states that “the feral and unclaimed horses in the Planning Area are trespassing on BLM-administered lands, are not a part of the BLM’s inventory or management program as a result of the Wild Horse Act, and will not be considered as a part of the BLM’s resource management program in this RMP/EIS process.” By including this section in the draft RMP, the BLM seems to be placing the issue of the Placitas horse herds within scope, and thus comments could appropriately be addressed towards this issue.
Transportation Management: The draft RMP does not address vehicle use in the BLM lands, such as off-road vehicles (ORVs), other than the mention about motorized traffic on the Crest of Montezuma land. The BLM’s intention is to formulate a Transportation Management Plan only after the RMP is finalized.
One of the factors that the BLM must take into account when formulating their RMPs is Social and Economic Concerns. Clearly mining of any sort close to towns and communities such as Bernalillo and Placitas strongly raises these concerns, since such activity can affect health, quality of life, and property values. Also, if resource development in the BLM lands curtails or prevents recreational activities there, then this affects social and economic conditions in the area. This means that public comments could productively focus on the social and economic impacts of mining and other development activities in the “Preferred Alternative”.