ES-CA Alert – Fisher Gravel Mine at I-25

Fisher_Annex_OrdinanceOn Monday February 24th at 6:30PM the Town of Bernalillo will hear Item 7A on the agenda which is the annexation of the currently illegal gravel mine into the Town. Of concern to Placitans is that Fisher asks in the proposed ordinance to be able to mine sand and gravel for 15 years.

4D. As to the entire annexed property, the property owner shall have the right to extract sand, gravel and similar products as a part of the grading process for the property and commercially sell such minerals; provided that this use shall cease and terminate upon the earlier of: (i) completion of final grading for the property; or, (ii; fifteen (15) years after the Effective Date of this Ordinance.

Please come to this hearing and let your voice be heard that you do not want another gravel mine in these proximities. The Town of Bernalillo should also be concerned about the demand on water, spewing dust, noise and truck traffic. The Town Council Chambers are located in Bernalillo at 829 Camino del Pueblo. You can read the entire proposed ordinance by clicking here Fisher_Annex_Ordinance .

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ES-CA Forum Article – February, 2014
Fisher Sand & Gravel Update
Ed Majka, Political/Legal Chair, ES-CA

On Thursday, February 13, 2014 representatives of ES-CA, Chris Daul, Ed Majka and Orin Safier met with Steve Gudelj, Placitas developer and business owner, and
Dave Olson, Vice President of Fisher Sand & Gravel. Mr. Olson is a resident of Placitas.

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss current and future use of the property owned by Fisher, which is adjacent to I-25 northbound; south of Rt. 165. This site has been utilized to produce gravel for sale and, as stated by Mr. Olson, has limited production value. An effort to site a temporary asphalt plant was defeated by efforts of our Community and ES-CA, working with the Sandoval County Commission.

The property was listed “For Sale”, but could not find a Buyer. Fisher Vice President, Dave Olson quoted the following (quoting here, with his permission) “Fisher will not locate an asphalt plant at this site now or in the future”. Efforts are underway to donate a portion of the property to ESCAFCA for the purpose of constructing a detention pond to
help in flood control along the west side of I-25 to minimize flood damage along South Hill Road in Bernalillo.

Fisher has been in conversations with ESCAFCA as well as Town of Bernalillo representatives. Those conversations include the possibility of the Town of Bernalillo annexing the property.

Ultimately, Fisher claims they will not operate as a mining operation, and their intent is to develop the site for light industrial, warehousing and other commercial activities.

ES-CA representatives voiced concern of Fisher not being open to public interest and community impact over the last several years. We also discussed the poor reputation of Fisher, and the number of violations at their operations in New Mexico and Arizona.

ES-CA’s position is to continue to monitor activities on the site, and attend Sandoval County and Town of Bernalillo meetings, as well as Planning and Zoning meetings to maintain a “watchful eye” on any development plans and the impact of those plans on Eastern Sandoval residents

In closing the meeting, contact information was exchanged, and ES-CA representatives requested that Fisher keep lines of communication open to build a more favorable and beneficial relationship.

Note: You can help by becoming an ES-CA watchdog, in which you would attend a public meeting and provide information to make ES-CA aware before something occurs that could/would negatively impact our Community. For further information on how you can help ES-CA in these and other efforts, please contact Ed Majka, at or Scott Stevens,

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RT. 550/165/I 25

I have communicated with NM DOT today concerning both the signal timing and the entrance ramp from I 25 NB to Rt. 165 EB.

As many of you have experienced, there has been a backup at the intersection the past two mornings during the rush hour. DOT advised me that they are working on the signal timing issues to prevent backups in any direction and are aware of our concerns. I will once again travel through the interchange on February 12 and will advise NM DOT of the situation and whether it is improved.

Concerning the ramp, I have forwarded comments to DOT and expressed ES-CA’s continuing concerns about the safety of the access onto Rt. 165. Please continue to submit your comments to the Forum and ask others to comment as well. ES-CA board members will be meeting on February 17 to discuss this issue again and decide upon a course of action.

ES-CA will continue to work on the issues at the interchange and welcome your thoughts and suggestions.

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Lafarge Mining Operation a Loser for Sandoval County and Placitas

by Stephen Vaughan

Lafarge has recently been telling all who would listen that they no longer intend to honor the various written statements of intent by their predecessor operators to end mining operations in 2015. Indeed, they have explicitly said they are negotiating a new lease, and intend to mine to the perimeter of the leasehold.

As residents of Placitas, we know the traffic, the noise, the dust their operations create.

But isn’t there also economic benefit to Sandoval County from the mining?

In a word, no.

As we all see the trucks clogging the intersection of 25 and 165, can’t we take solace in the gross receipts taxes they are paying into the coffers of the County?

No. The trucks are taking the gravel to Albuquerque for the most part, where the gross receipts taxes are paid. Other than gravel that may be delivered here, the County sees not a dime of GRT.

What about property taxes paid by the owners? As best we can determine, the owner paid approximately $100,000 last year in property taxes on the entire mining site. The comparison to the taxes that would be paid instead as a result of a conforming use, for example homes, is striking. Assuming a hypothetical 500 homes on the 1000-acre site (after gross receipts taxes paid by the developer, the builders, and the contractors), each home would pay, let’s estimate, $5,000 a year in taxes, or $2.5 million.

And then there is the money that would be spent by those 500 families in Sandoval County, with the resulting benefit to local businesses and the County itself.

One must not forget, too, the reduction in property values resulting from the mining operation: Studies have shown gravel pits may reduce surrounding property values ranging from 30% contiguous to the mine, down to 10% two miles away. Property tax assessment appeals have already succeeded on Placitas homes near the mine, based solely on the presence of the mine. We estimate the loss in County property tax revenue will eventually range from $250,000 to $750,000.

And finally there is the water. Last reporting year Lafarge used 94 million gallons of water, during one of the worst droughts in memory. Five hundred homes would use about 35 million gallons of water.

This may be good business for a Paris-based international corporation—but it’s just not paying its way for those of us in Sandoval County.


Documents relating to Lafarge

[following added by Orin Safier]

Here is a 2013 Satellite view of the Lafarge operation, showing the areas detailed in the 1988 Certificate of Nonconformance: Sep 2013 Satellite View of Nonconforming Areas

Here are some documents that are important regarding the Lafarge mining:

1) 1988-01-11 Certificate of Nonconformance.  This was passed in 1988 by the Extraterritorial Zoning Commission, and places zoning restrictions on the mining property.

2) 2013-06-23 Lafarge Notice of Violation.  After the 1988 Nonconformance conditions were “grandfathered” in 2010, this Notice of Violation was issued by the County to Lafarge in 2013.

3) Lafarge Appeal Pages from 2013-09-06 Suit of County.  After receipt of the Notice of Violation, Lafarge attempted to appeal that notice. These pages contain their reasons why they consider themselves not to be in zoning violation.


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I 25/Rt. 550/Rt. 165 Construction

I 25/RT. 550/165 INTERCHANGE


Eastern Sandoval Citizens Association (ES-CA) Directors, Bob Gorrell, Jerry Saxton and Chris Daul met with NM Department of Transportation officials on January 30, 2014, to discuss the I 25/Rt. 550/165 interchange project, and specifically, the ramp design from I 25 northbound to Rt. 165 eastbound.

DOT officials acknowledged that the original plans had been changed, which eliminated an acceleration lane for traffic entering Rt. 165 eastbound. The new design has raised complaints from numerous Placitas residents, concerning the visibility of oncoming traffic heading eastbound from the Bernalillo area on Rt. 165. DOT officials said that once the final lane pattern is completed, the visibility would improve, since the existing poles, holding up the light signals, would be removed, temporary signage would be removed, and the location of vehicles that are stacking on the off ramp in order to turn left onto Rt. 165 will be shifted farther to the west.

As we know, the new configuration became operational on February 2. DOT District Three Engineer, Timothy Parker, stated that if there are any problems with the ramp, after completion of the new traffic configuration, DOT will meet with us again to determine how to address the issue. We would like to hear from residents as to whether the new configuration is still a problem or if it is now better.

Also, DOT officials said that the construction company, heading the project, is being fined in excess of $8,500.00 per day for non-compliance of their contract with the State. DOT understands the frustration Placitas residents, and others, are having with the construction project and indicated that they will work with us to alleviate any problems that remain after completion.

ES-CA will continue to work to insure that this project is completed as soon as possible and will insure that Placitans’ concerns are addressed.

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2014 Placitas Communities Zoning Update

Currently, there are three open zoning violations that all relate to gravel quarries. The beauty of this area has attracted many people who have built moderate and high end rural homes, and the gravel, used mostly in the urban areas for landscape, roads and concrete, has attracted the gravel mines. There is an expected tension between the beauty of the area and its abundant stone and gravel. The regulation of that tension for the protection of property rights, investments, and peaceful ownership for our unincorporated communities falls under the Sandoval County Zoning regulations. Prior to enactment of the County regulations, the Town of Bernalillo / Sandoval County Extra-Territorial Zoning (ETZ) Commission regulated most areas of Placitas excluding the Village. The last Chairman of the ETZ which disbanded in 1995 was Tom Swisstack, presently Mayor of Rio Rancho. On a per household basis, Placitans pay some of the highest per capita property taxes in the county. There are no severance taxes for gravel extraction. If you would like to see gravel mining and the associated truck traffic double or triple, do not read any further.

The first of the three open violations relates to the old McIlhaney Gravel Mine. It was partially reclaimed, or restored wherein grades are re-shaped to emulate the surrounding area and then seeded. This reclamation occurred about 1999. As this occurred four years after the ETZ, page 19 item 5 of the “Extra-Territorial Zoning Ordinance”, was never enforced. “In the event that a use authorized as an S-U Zone is permanently discontinued, the S-U Zone may be cancelled and removed from the Zoning Map under the provisions for an amendment to this Ordinance. That area delineated by such discontinued S-U zone shall be rezoned to the prevailing surrounding zone as determined by the Authority following recommendation by the Commission.”

On October 21, 2010, Sandoval County repealed the ETZ Ordinance. Then on November 18, 2010 Sandoval County violated several of its own ordinances when it brought the long discontinued S-U Sand/Gravel special use, originally granted by the ETZ, into the Sandoval County Zoning Map with Ordinance 10-11-18.7B3. The purpose of the Zoning Ordinance is to protect property rights by providing clear expectations. Special Use is spot zoning and is not a right conferred upon a governing body or property owner, but is allowed through due process if enabling zoning ordinance will allow:

Section 16, Non-conformities, Abandonment. “Whenever a nonconforming use has been discontinued or abandoned for a period of one year or more, such use shall not thereafter be reestablished, and any future use must be in conformance with the provisions of this Ordinance.”

Section 10, A., Intent., SU Special-Use District – “… The County Board may not grant a Zone Map Amendment for establishment of a Special Use District unless satisfactory provisions have been made:
1. To assure the compatibility of property uses shall be maintained in the general area.
2. To preserve the integrity and character of the area …
[same as the Placitas Area Plan language].

Section 10, C., Removal of Zones., SU Special-Use District, – “In the event that a use authorized as a Special Use District is permanently discontinued … shall be restored to the prevailing zone district …”. In fact “discontinued” means for an extraction site, no extraction by the operator has occurred for more than 6 months.”

Per the Sandoval Zoning Ordinance, this property should have reverted to the zoning of adjoining properties and the overlay zoning of the Placitas Area Plan. Continuing this spot zoning violates both the intent and the letter of the zoning ordinance and threatens properties nearby. If you want to see this property, it is south of 165 and the next properties, just south of the illegal Fisher gravel mine, and just north of the Bernalillo water tank reservoir. This property is owned by the Sandia Tribe, but it’s not a part of the sovereign tribal lands. Sandia has proven itself over time to be an exceptionally good steward of the land, but it also allowed decades of gravel mining to occur between Bernalillo and the Pueblo before requiring that the land be reclaimed.

The next violator is Fisher. It is not happenstance that these properties are neighbors. There is plenty of gravel up and down the Rio Grande corridor, and the Placitas Area just happens to be closer to Albuquerque than a lot of other mines. The short story on Fisher is that they feigned a “Terrain Management” re-grading of their property for future commercial lots instead of going through the process for an S-U (special use) Sand and Gravel permit. ES-CA and the community took the Sandoval County Commission to task on this violation when the asphalt equipment moved on site. The county sent a compliance letter to Fisher on January 27, 2012 and in accordance with Section 15(F) of the Zoning Ordinance, they were to remove all equipment and stock piles of materials. The equipment and material remain on the site and the original faux use agreement expired in December of last year.

The last site is not unlike Fisher in thumbing their nose at the Sandoval County Government and its citizens. Lafarge came in on the coat tails of another mining operation approved by the late ETZ. As this mine has been in continuous use and not abandoned or use discontinued, the County was obligated to bring the ETZ use in under Section 10 (1), J., SU Sand and Gravel Mining, Existing Current Uses / Grandfather Clause. Lafarge does not interpret things the same as the County and has expanded its mine past the ETZ approval and do not think they should have to follow the parts of the ordinance that require application and process described earlier for S-U Sand and Gravel. There is a lot more to be said about this property and the neighbors near this property will tell the rest of this story.

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I-25/US 550 Interchange and Placitas Traffic Safety

The I-25/US 550 Bridge Reconstruction just keeps going and going, but wait there’s more… or less. The old intersection had two eastbound lanes to Placitas. When you exited from northbound I-25 to head east at 165, you had to crane your neck around to see if you could merge. Some of you might remember the DOT public presentation in November of 2011 where the plan we were to agree upon included a new merge acceleration lane? I sure do and the reasoning. It would be safer. All of us had seen both rear-end and side-swipe collisions at that intersection. The merge lane was needed and we agreed.

You have probably noticed there is no merge lane. In fact, the angle of the reconstructed intersection due to aligning 165 further south is even more acute. Now you really have to crane your neck to merge and I have observed that the large trucks have to stick their heads out of the window to see oncoming traffic. The new intersection is worse than before. What happened? As it turns out the merge lane was removed to better accommodate gravel trucks jockeying over to the northbound frontage road. The logic of this decision is perplexing.

On January 30th,2014 ES-CA representatives met with DOT District 3 Engineer Tim Parker at the I-25 / 550 intersection. ES-CA had the week earlier sent a letter on the safety concern to Mr. Parker, our county Fire Chief and Sheriff, and to our state and federal representatives (link to letter below). At the meeting Mr. Parker recognized our concern, but wished to complete the project without the merge lane and see how it worked. Construction is expected to be complete in 60 days and lets hope no one is hurt in the meantime. ES-CA asked in the meantime that DOT investigate restricting heavy trucks over 2 tons from the frontage roads between 7- 9 AM and 4 – 6 PM to lessen the congestion. Mr. Parker said he would investigate. ES-CA believe that reducing the number of trucks during peak commute times would benefit both the trucks and the passenger cars. Similarly, adding back the merge lane would increase the traffic safety for both our community and the large trucks.

January 21 letter to DOT: DOT Letter 21Jan2014

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ES-CA General Meeting



The Eastern Sandoval Citizens Association (ES-CA) held a general meeting on Saturday, November 2, 2013, at the Placitas Community Center.  The first issue noted was that our property tax bills had been reduced, due to a reduction in the ESCAFCA tax levy.  Thanks go to all of the volunteers and members of ES-CA who worked hard to have Placitas removed from the ESCAFCA region.  This matter exemplifies exactly what ES-CA does – work to keep Placitans informed and to advocate for their best interests.


The major topic of discussion was the reactivation and increase in volume use of the pipelines that run through Placitas.  To date, the Federal Government and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) have refused to adequately address the risks and safety issues that they are required to address.  ES-CA has been working with La Placitas Association (LPA) to force the Government to conduct the necessary studies.  These pipelines run close to the school, the community center, and a number of residences.  The oldest pipe was laid in 1956.  Leaks could result in groundwater contamination and even explosions and fire.  ES-CA is looking for volunteers to join a task force that will work with the community to press our concerns and have the Federal Government do what is necessary to examine the risks associated with the pipelines.  If you are interested in being a part of the task force, please contact us at               


One ongoing issue is the BLM Resource Management Plan (RMP), which will govern the use of the tracts of land that BLM owns in and around Placitas.  One of the options that BLM is considering is opening this land to mining.  These areas include the Buffalo tract which borders Placitas to the north, part of which BLM has identified for possible gravel mining; a 195 acre tract that is surrounded by development; and the Crest of Montezuma.  ES-CA has already submitted comments to the BLM and is working with our Federal officials to remove the mining recommendations.  Dealing with the Federal Government is not an easy task.  Anyone who wants to help in this matter is encouraged to contact us at


Another ongoing issue is the LaFarge mining operations.  At the insistence of ES-CA, homeowner associations and others, Sandoval County has issued documents demanding that LaFarge abide by the 1988 Noncompliance agreement.  Yet, LaFarge has continued to violate that agreement and has expanded its operations in ways that are not allowed.  ES-CA will be meeting again with County officials to demand that the County duly exercise its authority and take whatever action is necessary to enforce its prior zoning agreement with LaFarge.  It was ES-CA’s vigilance that drove the County to enforce its regulations against the Fisher Sand and Gravel operations, and stop an illegal asphalt plant from beginning operations.  ES-CA is using that same vigilance in the LaFarge matter to insure that illegal operations do not take place.


ES-CA is continuing to expand its Watchdog program, which involves volunteers attending local meetings to report on what actions different entities may be taking that have an impact upon Placitas.  Volunteers attend meetings of the Sandoval County Commission, the County Planning and Zoning Committee, the Bernalillo Town Council, the Bernalillo Planning and Zoning Commission and other meetings.  If you are interested in becoming a Watchdog, please contact Scott Stevens at


Please visit the ES-CA website at and check out the articles in the Forum.  Also, if you would like to join ES-CA, you can do so online.

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US 550/I-25 Project Update

The US 550/I-25 project completion has been delayed until late December. The original completion date was scheduled for the first week of November. The contractor, FNF Construction, has cited numerous reasons for the delays, including utility conflicts and difficulties with traffic control and phasing. They are currently negotiating with the NMDOT the amount of fines that will be levied against them because of the delayed completion.

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Results of ES-CA Algodones Bar and Free Range Horses Survey

Here are the results of the ES-CA Survey conducted from 7-11-2013 to 7-15-2013.  60 members responded to the Survey:

Question 1, Application for Algodones Bar to be Open Until 2 AM: Would you support or oppose the application to extend the hours of operation of the proposed establishment from 9 pm to 2 am?

Response          Count            Percent

Oppose              45                 75%

Support              11                 18%

No Opinion          4                    6%

Question 2, Administering Contraception to Placitas Free Ranging Horses: Would you support or oppose WHOA’s plan to administer contraception to the free ranging horses in Placitas?

Response            Count          Percent

Support                51                85%

Oppose                8                  13%

No Opinion           1                    1%



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