Senator John Sapien Addresses ES-CA

On June 9th, State Senator John Sapien met with ES-CA board members and other members of ES-CA to listen to residents’ concerns. The main issue discussed was sand and gravel mining in the Placitas area. Both LaFarge and Fisher were highlighted.

A major issue raised was the location of the air sensor that is monitored by the State. It was noted that the only sensor in the area is located in Bernalillo. Senator Sapien said that he will contact the New Mexico Environment Department to discuss placing an air monitoring device in Placitas that is proximate to the LaFarge mining operation. ES-CA will follow-up with the Senator on this matter.

Senator Sapien said that he has been working with the Sandoval County Counsel to craft legislation that will strengthen the zoning enforcement powers of the County. The next legislative session is not until 2015 and the Senator will have a bill ready to introduce at that time.

There was also a discussion as to whether sand and gravel mining should be under the control of the State, or remain under control of the County. While County control gives Placitans more access to the government, State control would carry more authority when dealing with violations. ES-CA welcomes your comments on this issue.

Senator Sapien also said that he opposes Bernalillo annexing the Fisher site. Bernalillo Mayor Jack Torres has also expressed reservations about annexing the site. As of now, there have been no new applications submitted by Fisher to the Town. ES-CA will continue to monitor this issue.

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ES-CA Board Meeting of June 2, 2104



The meeting was called to order by President Bob Gorrell. Attending were: Bob Gorrell; Chris Daul; Ed Majka; Orin Safier and Lynn Koch. A quorum was present. Also attending the meeting were Scott Stevens, Dick Ulmer, Tom Ashe, Steve Vaughn, Bob Byrd, and John Coehlo.

Issues discussed were as follows:
Membership: An e-mail will be sent to former ES-CA members asking them to renew their membership. A mailer is being prepared that will be sent to all Placitas households that will include membership information. Membership information will be available at the General Meeting, scheduled for August 2, at the Anasazi Winery, from 2-4 pm.

Political/Legal: Ed Majka reported that the ES-CA board will be meeting with the Land Grant Board on June 16. A Candidates’ Forum has been scheduled for September 20 at the Placitas Community Center, from 1-4 pm. All residents will be invited to attend. The candidates will include: State Representative; County Commissioner; County Sheriff and County Assessor. The next P/L meeting is scheduled for June 30th, 6:30 pm, at the Placitas Library.

Communications: Chris Daul will draft an article for the July Signpost. Business cards were printed and distributed. A mailer has been prepared in draft form and will be sent out next month to all Placitas residents.

I 25/Rt. 165 – DOT. Bob Gorrell and Orin Safier met with Dave Wilson on 5/27. He is the outside traffic engineer that has been hired by NM DOT to review the interchange. He is beginning his study and will meet with ES-CA again, prior to the release of his report. All persons are encouraged to send their comments about the interchange to Timothy Parker, who is the NM DOT District 3 Engineer. His e-mail address is Please send copies of your comments to ES-CA.

Land Use Protection Trust. Dick Ulmer reported that the LPT had formed a board of directors, consisting of Dick Ulmer, Tom Ashe, Steve Vaughn and Tom Byrd. LPT placed an ad in the June Signpost and also had an article. Their fundraising in progressing well. John Meyers has been retained as their land use attorney. They have also printed a flyer to be handed out. Anyone wishing to support the LPT can go to their website.

Centex in Bernalillo. Chris Daul discussed that Centex had been used as a transfer site for oil going from trucks to rail cars. Mayor Jack Torres of Bernalillo had the town issue a cease and desist order, pending an application for a zoning change. ES-CA will continue to monitor. Centex is located north of Rt. 550 along the railroad tracks. They are permitted to operate as a manufacturing facility. Certain oil and gas companies were using the site to transfer their oil from their trucks to rail cars, which was in violation of Bernalillo’s zoning code. ES-CA thanks the Mayor for his swift action.

Next ES-CA Board Meeting is scheduled for Monday, July 27, 2014, beginning at 6:30 pm at La Puerta. All persons are encouraged to attend.

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ES-CA Board Meeting

The Board of ES-CA met on May 5. Attending the meeting were Board members: Bob Gorrell, Chris Daul, Ed Majka, Jerry Saxton, and Lynn Koch. Also attending was Dick Ulmer.

Jerry Saxton is going to follow-up on former members who have not renewed to determine how to bring them back as well as looking at expanding the membership. Ed Majka reported for the
Political/Legal Committee as follows:
o Concerning ESCAFCA, Sal Reyes up for re-election this year. Also, ESCAFCA has more projects on the board than money to fund them. Last, Fisher proposes to donate material to build dam for a detention basin, if the property is annexed to Bernalillo. Ed and Chris Daul are following up with both Fisher and the Mayor of Bernalillo to insure that Fisher’s time period for mining is limited and that they will be required to post a bond for reclamation of the site.

Chris Daul reported on Communications and noted that the May article had been published in the Signpost. He stated that he will begin listing all of the ES-CA meetings in the calendar section of the Signpost. The June article will focus on the new Land Use Protection Trust and an ad will also be put in the Signpost about the Trust.

Bob Gorrell is sending a letter to NMDOT requesting status of engineer’s review, concerning the issues at the new I 25/Rt. 165/550 interchange. DOT had agreed to have an outside engineer review the current configuration in relation to the concerns raised by Placitans and communicated to DOT by ES-CA.

The Land Trust was discussed in detail. As noted, the Board decided to concentrate on publicizing the Trust this coming month. The Trust is very important because it will be used to fight for Placitas’ zoning rights in the County, not just for the LaFarge matter.

The Board is reviewing a draft newsletter to be sent out to all Placitas households in July. The newsletter would discuss current issues facing Placitas and announce the upcoming General Meeting on August 2, 2014, from 2-4 pm at the Community Center, and the Candidates’ Forum, scheduled for September 20, 2014, from 1-4pm at the Community Center.

The next Board meeting is scheduled for June 2, 2014, starting at 6:30 pm at La Puerta Realty on Rt. 165. All are welcome to attend.

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Meeting with Congresswoman Michelle Lujan Grisham

On Monday, April 21, 2014, Congresswoman Michelle Lujan Grisham met with ES-CA Board members, Land Grant representatives, Las Placitas Association representatives, and various home owner association officials to hear what issues were of concern to residents of Placitas.

The first issue raised was that the new I 25 interchange was prohibiting Coronado Soil and Water Conservation District trucks from accessing the Piedre Lisa Dam to perform maintenance. ES-CA officials noted that NM DOT is having an outside traffic engineering study done of the new interchange, and, once that is complete, we can deal with this issue if it is not resolved in the report.

The next issue raised was the expansion in use of the pipelines running through Placitas and the lack of cooperation by BLM on releasing information to LPA and ES-CA. The Congresswoman said that she will make the information request from her office and will also request that BLM meet with LPA and ES-CA to discuss safety concerns. She also said that she will request that BLM come to Placitas to discuss the disposition of the BLM land to the north.

She noted that the Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed land uses would be issued within the next two months and that it will be subject to comment. She expects the full report to be issued by the end of this year or early next year. The Congresswoman is aware of concerns about new mining in this area.

The LaFarge issue was brought up, and, while there is not much that can be done on the Federal level, Congresswoman Grisham said that she will work with Sandoval County and the State to attempt to increase enforcement of environmental regulations pertaining to the sand and gravel mining operation of LaFarge.

Congresswoman Grisham expressed her desire to conduct future town hall meetings in Placitas.

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Meeting with NM DOT on April 7, 2014

ES-CA Board members, Bob Gorrell, Chris Daul and Ed Majka, along with Ed Macy, met with NM Department of Transportation Section Three Engineer, Timothy Parker, on April 7, to continue discussions about residents’’ concerns with the I 25/Rt. 165/Rt. 550 interchange.

Mr. Parker noted that the contractor has over 200 items to correct/fix/finish and that the final paving and striping will take place in May. The delay until May for final paving and striping is so that work can be done at night to minimize traffic disruptions during daytime hours.

ES-CA had sent a letter to Mr. Parker, dated March 26, 2014, wherein we listed the issues of continuing concern. These include:
1. The elimination of the acceleration lane for eastbound Rt. 165, exiting northbound I 25.
2. The short merge lanes for the southbound entrance to I 25 from Rt. 165 westbound.
3. Lane markings on the bridge.
4. Difficulty in discerning the lane markings for the southbound I 25 exit onto Rt. 165 eastbound.
5. Heavy truck traffic from the frontage road north during peak commuting hours.

Mr. Parker said that NM DOT is sending our letter to an outside traffic engineer to review and prepare a report. We will have the opportunity to review the report, prior to its publication, and have additional input. While there is no guarantee that the review will recommend all of the changes we are advocating, NM DOT is listening to us and taking our concerns seriously. We have also been in communication with our State representatives, County representatives, County law enforcement, and Bernalillo officials. Mr. Parker also said that we should expect the review to be done within 60 days.

The final work and final paving and striping should be completed at or about the time the review is completed. We will then make a new assessment based upon the final work and the findings of the review.

We ask that you continue to provide us with your comments about the interchange.

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ES-CA Board Meeting April 7, 2014


The ES-CA had its regularly scheduled board meeting on April 7, 2014. In attendance were the following directors: Bob Gorrell, Orin Safier, Chris Daul, Ed Majka, Tony Hull and Lynn Koch . Also attending were Scott Stevens and Dick Ulmer.

Ed Majka discussed what recent matters the Political/Legal Committee had considered at its last meeting.
• Congresswoman Michelle Lujan Grisham had requested to meet with the ES-CA Board and other community groups to discuss what issues were affecting Placitas. That meeting will be taking place in the near future.
• A Candidates’ forum will be held on September 20, 2014 at the Community Center. ES-CA will be inviting the candidates for State Representative, County Commissioner (District 1), County Assessor and County Sheriff to attend and address residents. More information will follow as we get closer to September.
• ES-CA is continuing to communicate with Fisher representatives to scale back their proposal for mining and future development on the site. Fisher representatives did say that they would discuss any new proposal with ES-CA, prior to submitting anything to the Town of Bernalillo.

Bob Gorrell reported on a meeting that he, Chris Daul, Ed Majka and Ed Macy had with Timothy Parker of NM DOT, concerning the I-25/US 550 Interchange. Bob reported on meeting with DOT on April 7. DOT agreed to have an outside traffic engineer review the issues raised in the ES-CA letter of March 26, 2014 to DOT. More specifically, the issues included the missing acceleration lane, signage, and general traffic patterns. DOT said that a report should be done within 60 days.

A new proposal was made to create an ES-CA Land Use Protection Trust. Bob Gorrell explained that, under ES-CA bylaws, a special trust could be created to accept and distribute monies for specific matters that are under the purview of ES-CA, such as zoning and land use. . The vote to approve was unanimous. Included in the resolution was a proposal to transfer $1,000.00 from the ES-CA general account to the new Trust. This motion was passed unanimously.

A General Meeting of ES-CA has been planned for August 2, 2014, at the Community Center. All ES-CA members are encouraged to attend. Additional information will follow.

The next meeting of the ES-CA Board is scheduled for Monday, May 5, 2014 at La Puerta Realty at 6:30 pm. The meeting is open to all ES-CA members and the public.

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ES-CA Land-Use Protection Trust

The ES-CA Board passed a Resolution forming the Land-Use Protection Trust (LPT) which will establish and manage an account fund separate from the ES-CA general membership fund. The LPT Board will accept funds from interested individuals and organizations, whether ES-CA member or not, and expend funds to protect ES-CA residents property value, health, safety and general welfare. The LPT Board will be established by, and serve under the oversight of, the full ES-CA Board. The Board elected to transfer $1,000 from the general fund to establish the LPT fund.

The LPT will establish a Mission Statement that will guide its use of funds for issues in the ES-CA area such as strengthening of zoning laws and their enforcement, and towards restraining special interests such as gravel mines that are not in harmony with the predominant land uses .

The LPT Resolution states : The lands within the ES-CA boundaries have regularly faced threats to property values caused by special interests such as gravel mines that are not in harmony or conformance with the predominant land uses, the Placitas Area Plan, and expectations of residents. For various reasons the County is not fully enforcing its land use zoning ordinances intended to preserve the health, safety and welfare of its residents. In order to be effective, and for the preservation of property value in the ES-CA area, funding is needed for legal services, lobbying, etc., and without drawing from the ES-CA general operations fund that would threaten ES-CA’s general effectiveness and long term sustainability. Sections 4.1 and 7.5 of ES-CA’s by-laws allow for the setting up of special banking accounts and give the Board the authority to appoint trustees to oversee such accounts.

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Report: P&Z Meeting, March 27, about Proposed Zoning Changes for Energy

Here’s a brief report on the March 27 P&Z Commission meeting, that included discussion of proposed changes to the zoning ordinance to accommodate energy and utility facilities, exploration and production.

Many people from Placitas, and some from Algodones, showed up to participate.  Planning & Zoning Director Mike Springfield began the proceedings by saying that this was only the beginning of a long process, which could last through summer or later, directed towards possibly changing procedures to accommodate applications for oil & gas exploration and production, certain types of water uses, and certain utility uses.  He made clear to the Commission that they could choose to proceed with a revision of the zoning ordinances, as suggested, though only suggested, by the wording provided by his Planning & Zoning Department staff, or choose to make no changes at present.

When Springfield attempted to explain why some changes might need to be made, he cited increased interest in oil/gas production, other energy production, and various utility uses in Sandoval County.  He said that the County does not have sufficient knowledge or resources to vet these uses, and that it should rely more on state and federal agencies to determine what are and are not acceptable uses.  He likened this to what the County did some years ago with water uses, when they essentially offloaded the determination of proper water uses to the State Engineer, so that it would not be a matter for County zoning decisions and enforcement.  This could explain why in the proposed ordinance changes such activities as oil/gas production, also exploration, could be PERMISSIVE use, which does not even require approval from the County P&Z staff, let alone Commission decisions and public hearings.  (Building a house in a platted residential development as allowed by zoning ordinances is an example of a permissive use.)  The idea is that state and federal procedures would take the place of such County/public oversight.  The result, however, could conceivably be that an energy company could buy the residential-zoned property right next to you, then start exploration and even production activities without there being a single County public meeting about it.  All that would be required is approval by the appropriate state and/or federal agencies.

Springfield also confused matters by talking a great deal about a supposed need to make sure that people who want to hook up their new houses to existing electrical lines, water lines, gas lines, etc., do not have to go through a burdensome zoning process, which also could tie up staff resources.  But that makes no sense, because at present these are all permissive uses (as they should be), and only the proper building permits are required.

It must also be pointed out that all the facility, exploratory and production uses dealt with in the proposed ordinance changes are already allowed under the present zoning ordinance as Special Use (SU), so long as the applicants go through the SU rezoning process, which involves public hearings before both county commissions.  Recently PNM filed just such an SU application for a solar power array in an area near Rio Rancho, and it was easily approved.  So there is nothing at present to prevent any of these uses, so long as they are thoroughly vetted through a public process.

The P&Z Commission weighed in after Springfield’s presentation.  Some of the commissioners, including Chairman John Arango, were appropriately concerned about the proposed ordinances allowing intensive energy activities as permissive uses.  They were clearly opposed to oil & gas production as a permissive use right in or near to our residential neighborhoods.  However the Commission seemed not to take up Springfield’s invitation to discuss whether modification to the zoning ordinances is needed at all, and discussed only how the proposed language might be changed so as to be less frightening to the public.

Chairman Arango took the unusual step of not allowing public comment on this discussion item, which was his prerogative as chairman.  Even so, 3 members of the public did step up to make comments, and others tried.  Even more unusual is that the chairman did not allow any 3-minute public comments at the end of the meeting, which is a standard agenda item at County commission meetings, and is fairly regularly allowed.  Instead he called for a motion for adjournment as soon as it became evident that other members of the public wanted to have their say.

Chairman Arango did invite the public to submit comments by email as to changes in the wording of the proposed ordinance language.  He said that there would be a series of public meetings before any ordinance modification was finalized, so that everyone would be able to have their say.

The ES-CA Board plans to communicate to the County that this should be handled quite differently.  Before even considering changes to the ordinances there should be extensive discussion, as Mr. Springfield suggested, as to whether such changes are needed at all.  While he is right that dealing with many applications from the industries involved might prove to be a burden on County staff and officials, it might be that this could be handled better by developing staff and commission guidelines for dealing with the Special Use zoning applications regarding these activities.  It might be better to allow the first few applications for these uses to proceed as SU ones, with full public involvement, and then afterwards, on the basis of that experience, develop a combination of guidelines and possibly some ordinance modifications that could streamline and improve the process.  A staff report that discusses in some detail why changes might be needed, and which provides clear options for making changes, should first be produced, be made available to the public for review before commission discussions, then discussed by the staff and commission – far before any decision is made to make even slight changes to the zoning ordinance.

ES-CA will continue to watchdog this issue, and keep the public informed and involved.

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DOT’s 2nd Meeting with ES-CA on the I25/550/165 Interchange

On March 17 ES-CA representatives met with DOT’s District Three Engineer Tim Parker, his staff, Representative Smith, the project contract engineer Chris Baca, Lt. Stoyell from Bernalillo, Sandoval Undersheriff Wiese, and County Commission hopeful James Dominguez. Discussed were safety issues with both I-25 exit ramps to Placitas, and the on ramp from Placitas to southbound I25. It appears that all on and off ramps from Bernalillo work well. Additionally, the need for better signage and roadway stripping was discussed.  Link to ES-CA to DOT Letter 26Mar2014.

Of primary concern remained the northbound I25 to 165 ramp. ESCA has received many complaints that merging to 165 in the new intersection is more dangerous than the one it replaced which had both rear end collisions and side swipes. ESCA stated strongly that it was a mistake for DOT to have eliminated the merge and acceleration lane and that this has left a dangerous intersection. Mr. Parker stated it was eliminated to make the intersection easier and safer for the gravel trucks to turn left to the frontage road. Mr. Parker pledged to engage an independent engineer to review and no timeline was promised. ESCA will remain engaged in this and the other intersection issues including understanding the basis of the past safety decisions and future safety recommendations of the independent engineer.

Next observed was the westbound 165 to southbound I25 intersection. Everyone observed that the turn is tight, and accordingly we observed that the gravel trucks start on the outside lane, but because of their length, that also take a third or more into the inside lane. If a car is there, it is trapped between the truck and the concrete abutment of the bridge. Undersheriff Wiese thought this condition particularly dangerous. Then there is the short merge lane where again if there a car on the left of the truck cannot get out of the way in time, it will be trapped between the truck and the concrete barrier.

It was then pointed out that the median on the west side of the intersection and between east and west lanes was almost impossible to discern by west bound 550 drivers if there are not cars queued to go north on I25. This issue, and the last problem, the southbound I25 exit and its hidden-until-the-last-moment exit lane to 165, DOT will investigate for signage or striping solutions.

In all, we were led to believe that the intersection problems are mostly, and simply, drivers needing to become accustomed to the new intersection. If indeed the problems extend beyond this, it will be ES-CA and community input that will resolve them.

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Zoning Staff Propose Omitting Public Hearings

At the March 27, 2014, Planning & Zoning Commission meeting, Sandoval County Staff will propose zoning ordinance revisions that would allow certain types of exploratory drilling and production of “energy related products” in all Rural Residential Agricultural (RRA) areas of the County without public hearing. Placitas is zoned such that RRA permissive uses apply throughout Placitas. The meeting begins at 6PM in the County Commission Chambers located on the third floor of the Sandoval County Office Complex off Hwy 528 at 1500 Idalia Road.

Under the current 2010 Sandoval County Planning and Zoning Ordinance, exploratory wells related to the development of water resources by governmental entities is the only drilling allowed without going through application and public hearings. This kind of use is called “permissive” and any required actions can be performed administratively without public notification or hearings. The Fisher Sand and Gravel mine was allowed under permissive use with only administrative approval, and ES-CA fought to close that loop hole so that it will not happen again.

The proposed zoning changes would remove from the public hearing process: Any exploratory drilling for water, energy related products, or communication; distribution lines including pipes, wires, etc. whether visible or not, on sites of 2 acres or less; and production facilities and related apparatus and buildings provided that they are less than 800 square feet in size, or fenced enclosures, pumps, valves, switches, or anything considered a commercial utility.

Additionally, the proposed changes would also allow some new conditional uses . Conditional uses still require public notice and hearing, but have minimal vetting requirements, such as for appropriateness to an area. For example, currently when a commercial use is desired within a residential area, re-zoning is required with much greater rigor on the part of the proposer and with clear expectations communicated for the public to consider. The proposed changes expand the less rigorous conditional use provisions to any production or distribution facilities on up to 20 acre sites for water or energy-related purposes “for commercial utility purposes”. Also, utility structures such as storage tanks, storage yards, etc., on sites of any size would fall under conditional use zoning.

If these changes to the zoning ordinances are approved by the County Commission, it means that many property uses that clash with the character of our communities could spring up without any public oversight, or in some “conditional use” cases, minimal oversight.

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