The ES-CA Board had their monthly meeting on Monday, November 3, 2014. Attending were Board members: Bob Gorrell; Chris Daul (CD); Tony Hull (TH); Ed Majka (EM); Orin Safier (OS): and, Lynn Koch (LK). Also attending were: Judy Labowitz; Dick Ulmer; Susan Fullas, John Cohello and Scott Stevens.

Committee reports were given as follows:

Treasurer’s report: OS reported that dues were coming in and renewal notices were still being sent out..
Watchdogs: ED reported that four new people had signed up as Watchdogs and that Scott Stevens had sent out a schedule of upcoming meetings.
LPT: Dick Ulmer reported that the LPT Board will be meeting to discuss additional fundraising; additional complaints have been filed against Vulcan (formerly Lafarge) with the NMED; and, a motion to intervene in the County’s lawsuit against Vulcan had been drafted, along with a complaint. A motion was made to grant authority to intervene and discussion ensued. The ES-CA Board will communicate with all members before taking any action.

Additional items were discussed:

I 25 Interchange: BG reported that NM DOT had begun to act on some of the recommendations from the independent report, but that much work remained. There will be follow-up with NM DOT Region three.
IT Management: OS reported that our IT expert was almost complete with his work. OS has been communication with him on a regular basis.
ES-CA Statement of Support: BG reported that Jerry Saxton was to get the Statement to our Federal representatives. ES-CA is working hard to insure that no mining be permitted on the BLM land.
Membership Management System: OS reported that there is a meeting on November 8 to discuss this issue and that, so far, renewal notices have been going out.
Gravel Mining:
Proposed Legislation: BG provided draft legislation that would bring gravel mining under the State Mining Act, increase fines and penalties, and require the State to act within 30 days of a violation. We will try to meet with State legislators to have this legislation introduced in the next Legislative session.
Fisher Sand and Gravel: EM reported that he had met with Fisher representatives and they advised that they would be submitting a new proposal for annexation by the Town of Bernalillo. ED prepared a Statement of Conditions that Fisher would have to adhere to in order for ES-CA not to oppose the annexation. It was discussed that Bernalillo desperately needs a detention basis on this land to deal with flooding and that Fisher is proposing to donate the land and labor to build the basin. The Board agreed to issue the Statement with revisions as discussed and for ED and CD to contact Mayor Torres to discuss this matter. The Board was clear that they do not support gravel and sand mining in the Placitas area. However, it was believed that the proposed detention basin is essential for the safety, health and welfare of Bernalillo residents, and that there is no funding available to complete this project. Therefore, the only option is to utilize the Fisher owned land. The Statement will be posted on the ES-CA Forum. The Board agreed not to oppose the annexation, if the conditions are substantially met and included in any ordinance that is adopted by the Town of Bernalillo. Should the conditions not be agreed to by Bernalillo and Fisher, ES-CA reserves the right to oppose the annexation.

December Election of New Officers: The Board discussed election of officers and it was decided that the officers for 2015 would be as follows: Bob Gorrell – President; Ed Majka – Vice President; Susan Fullas – Treasurer; and, Lynn Koch – Secretary.

The next Board meeting is scheduled for Monday, December 1, at La Puerta Realty, beginning at 6:30 pm. All are welcome to attend.

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The Eastern Sandoval Citizens Association held its monthly board meeting on Monday, October 6, 2014. Board members attending were: Bob Gorrell, Chris Daul, Ed Majka, Orin Safier, Tony Hull, and Lynn Koch. Also attending the meeting were: Steve Vaughn, Marsha Masden and Scott Stevens.

The board discussed the standing committee reports. Below are the highlights of those reports and discussions.

Treasurer’s Report. Orin noted that a number of membership dues payments have been received recently and attributed this to the continued high visibility of ES-CA through events and other activities.
Land Use Planning Trust: Steve Vaughn presented a written report which noted that two contamination issues are present: arsenic in water and dust particulates. NM Environment Department is looking into both issues. LPT is preparing a motion to intervene in the pending lawsuit between the County and Lafarge and will make a decision soon as to whether to intervene. LPT continues to fundraise to cover the costs of anticipated litigation.
Membership Committee: Chris noted that ES-CA board members should attend HOA annual meetings to discuss ES-CA and the benefits of joining. Chris, Ed and Jerry will follow-up on this project. Chris will attend a Ranchos HOA meeting on 10/18.
Political/legal Committee: Ed reported the following:
ESCAFCA is proposing bonds totaling $2.2 million that will be voted upon by residents of Bernalillo and Algodones. Fisher Sand and Gravel is still looking to be annexed by the Town of Bernalillo. Chris noted that he had discussed the proposed annexation application with Fisher’s representative and that no proposal has been submitted to the Town at this time. Ed noted the comprehensive article in the Signpost about the four bond issues that are on the November ballot. The hospital tax will be up re renewal in 2016. Ed suggested that ES-CA begin examining the pros and cons beginning next year. Chris suggested that both hospitals should be contacted and asked to make presentations to ES-CA.

Among the old business on the agenda were the following items:

At-Large Director Elections: Susan Fullas, Bob Gorrell and Lynn Koch are running for the three seats. Orin will send ballots out to ES-CA members by October 15. He will also send out membership renewal notices.
I-25/550/165 Interchange: Bob noted that we had received the final draft of the report from Souder Miller. Some positive changes are proposed. However, the lost acceleration lane is not proposed. The full report has been sent to all board members.
Candidate Forum: The candidate forum was a great success and thanks go to Ed Majka for putting it together and serving as moderator. We will do another one in two years and look to work with other local groups as well as the Placitas Library Association.
Member Appreciation Party: This was also a success as we had good attendance and attracted new members.
ES-CA Statement of Support: ES-CA has sent its Statement of Support, which lists the conditions we would like to see imposed on the Buffalo Tract of the BLM land, when it is disposed of, to Santa Ana Pueblo, San Felipe Pueblo and the Land Grant. We are also making sure it is sent to our Congressional Delegation. The Land Grant is holding a public presentation of their plan on October 11 and Tony Hull will attend or will send a representative. Santa Ana is doing another public presentation of their plan on October 25. Bob will send them a letter noting that we have already attended one of their presentations and that we would like a written copy of their proposal.

New business discussed included:

Gravel Mining Legislation
Increase County’s Administrative Authority: Legislation is being drafted that would allow counties to fine an entity up to $10,000 per day for a zoning violation. We will need to work with the Legislature to get this introduced and passes.
Expand coverage of Mining Act: The Sierra Club has indicated that they would support legislation that would expand the coverage of the NM Mining Statute to include gravel mines in excess of 5 acres.

All members are encouraged to attend the ES-CA board meetings which usually take place on the first Monday of each month, beginning at 6:30 pm at La Puerta Realty on Rt. 165. Please check the Forum to see if meeting dates have been changed. You are also encouraged to attend the Political/Legal Committee meetings which are usually held on the last Monday of each month, beginning at 6:30 pm at the Library.

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New Mine Owner, What Now?

By Dick Ulmer, Chairman, ES-CA Land Use Protection Trust Board

The Lafarge holdings in NM—operations at the Placitas Mine, Albuquerque and Santa Fe—have been sold to Vulcan Materials (a company based in Birmingham, AL, that has prior history here in NM). Vulcan’s new signs are up at the local mine—but “the beat goes on” with no visible change in terms of the mining operations and the impact to Placitas residents.

1) Study Groups
We’ve had two different study groups looking at different aspects of the mining issues in the Placitas area. We’ve have some top talent volunteer their expertise in hydrology, geology, chemistry, astronomy, environmental engineering and more—to help us look at various areas of concern and how we might ascertain if the condition exists and actions to mitigate.

Two issues are getting the highest attention—high arsenic discharge water and carcinogenic small particulates in the mine’s fugitive dust. We have found that the Lafarge water that they use to wash the mined materials and control dust is taken from a high arsenic level well and that the New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) Water Quality Bureau has no record of Lafarge having received the proper permit for the discharge ponds on the mine property—we have been told that the current operator (Vulcan) has been contacted to provide sample for NMED analysis. We are still waiting to hear the final disposition of violations identified by the NMED Air Quality Bureau (AQB) during their inspection of the mine (which included fugitive dust issues). We are also looking at possibly contracting to a qualified environmental monitoring service to get a more thorough evaluation as we have other states (e.g. California) moving strongly to limit such gravel mining operations due to the distance these fine particulates (10 µm or less) can travel (10’s of miles) and the potential for impact on surrounding residents.

2) Legal Activity
Legal activity has been slow but may be about to pick up. The lawsuit filed by the County in District Court has thus far been a case of musical chairs with the 5th Judge assigned in 4 months due to challenges by the parties to the suit. The case is now assigned to the Chief Judge McDonald. In discussions between our lawyers (Myers) and the County Attorney, there is a high expectation that this could be assigned for mediation, so the LPT Board has requested our lawyers to prepare a motion for intervention in order that we might have direct representation “at the table” should that occur. Also, based on discussions with our counsel, we will be looking for the opportunity through our intervention to challenge any attempt to extend the lease beyond 2015 and the clear level of expansion in level of mining activity over that which was evident when the nonconformance was initially granted.

3) Financial Status
Our stakeholders have provided just under $40K ($39,150) and we’ve spent just over $7K for legal support. As reported above, we will now likely increase substantially our spend rate—not only due to the active participation in the County lawsuit through intervention (and potentially, mediation), but also due to the need to invest in environmental monitoring services to enable us to objectively quantify the damage being done to Placitas residents by mining operations. This was anticipated when the LPT was formed and the objective was set at $100,000 for our funds drive. While the gifts to date have been substantial, we still are well short of what will be required to avoid having to leave our future to our County officials—not an outcome that many of us want to contemplate.

As can be seen from a review of the contributions to date (LPT 2014 Progress Report  at, we have a low percentage of Placitans who have contributed—the best way to change that is through your efforts (we know you “get it!”). We would request that each of you reach out to your contacts and neighbors and help them to understand that this is impacting them and encourage them to also send a check to help in the fight. If there is anything we can do to provide you or your neighbors with information to improve understanding, please contact me. This is important and the next few months will be key to deciding if Placitas can provide the quality of life that we moved here to gain, or will become the gravel mining capital of New Mexico.

We much appreciate your continued help.

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I-25/US 550 DRAFT Interchange Safety Review

At the request of ES-CA, for the Placitas community, NMDOT (NM Dept. of Transportation) contracted with David Wilson of Souder, Miller & Associates to do a study of the safety issues at the new I-25/US 550 interchange.  Mr. Wilson has produced a DRAFT safety review, which you can view here: I25_US550 Report Memo 09_24_14_MU.  It discusses the various issues, and makes recommendations for improvement.  The summary of recommendations can be found at the end, page 10. This is only a draft document, and could be modified before being submitted to DOT.

Bob Gorrell has highlighted areas of main interest in the report.

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Candidate’s Forum, September 20, 2014

On Saturday, September 20, 2014, Eastern Sandoval Citizens Association, along with the Placitas Community Library, sponsored its first Candidate’s Forum at the Placitas Community Center.

Participants represented offices for:                                                                              NM House of Representatives, District 22 – Representative Jim Smith and Candidate John Wallace;  Sandoval County Assessor – Incumbent Tom Garcia and Candidate Antonio Montoya; Sandoval County Commissioner – James Dominguez; and Sandoval County Sheriff – Sheriff Doug Wood and Deputy Jesse James Casaus.

In attendance were in excess of 90 local residents.  Candidates for each office provided 7-1/2 minutes of presentation and answered pre-submitted questions for 15 minutes. Comments received from attendees said the Forum gave them an opportunity to meet the candidates and learn of the Candidate’s positions.

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Candidates Forum – September 20, 2 PM at Placitas Community Center

Join us for a Candidates Forum at 2 PM on September 20, at the Placitas Community Center, 41 Camino de las Huertas.  This event is sponsored by ES-CA and the Placitas Community Library.

Presentations will be given by candidates for State House of Representatives – District 22, Sandoval County Assessor, Sandoval County Commission – District 1, and Sandoval County Sheriff.  Here is the agenda and candidate biographies: Candidates Forum Agenda and Bio’s

Questions for the candidates must be pre-submitted in writing prior to start of Forum.  Forms for submitting questions will be available at the Forum, or you can fill out this and bring to the Forum: Candidates Forum Question Form



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The ES-CA board met on September 2, 2014. All seven Board members were present: Bob Gorrell (BG); Orin Safier (OS); Ed Majka (EM); Chris Daul (CD); and, Jerry Saxton (JS), Lynn Koch (LK); and Tony Hull (TH). Also in attendance were: Susan Fullas; Judy Labowitz; Dick Ulmer; George Franzen; and, Scott Stevens.

Dick Ulmer reported on the Land Use and Planning Trust and noted the following items: there was a Signpost article on lack of enforcement by the Air Quality Bureau, concerning LaFarge; total contributions are over $39,000 to date; LaFarge has been sold to Vulcan/CalMat; the LPT Board favors joining the lawsuit that the County has against LaFarge, but has some issues to discuss first. A meeting was held on 8/28/14 to discuss water issues in the Placitas area. It was noted that the largest concentration of arsenic in groundwater is where LaFarge is located. There are no NM state standards on silica in the air. It is a carcinogen that is found in sand and gravel mining operations.

Ed Majka reported on the following items for the Political/legal Committee: ESCAFCA approved a 2.2 million dollar bond issue for the November election. The proposed annexation of Fisher Sand and Gravel may be on the next agenda of the Bernalillo Council meeting. Ed will notify all ES-CA members if and when this item is on an agenda.

There are three at-large director positions are up for election this year. BG and LK are running for re-election. OS is not running for re-election. Susan Fullas has decided to run. Elections will be held in November. All ES-CA members are eligible to run for this position and to vote. Please let Bob Gorrell know if you are interested in running.

Bob Gorrell reported on the I 25/Rt. 550/165 Interchange that he and OS met with David Wilson (the engineer retained by NM DOT to review the project) to discuss his preliminary report. He did acknowledge ES-CA’s concerns about the missing acceleration lane from I 25 NB to Rt. 165 EB, lack of adequate signage and some other issues. BG will schedule a meeting with NM DOT to discuss this report.

ES-CA is hosting a Candidates’ Forum on Saturday, September 20th, from 2-4 pm at the Placitas Community Center. Flyers advertising the event are being placed around Placitas. OS will send e-mails to ES-CA members reminding them of the event. Ed has prepared a handout listing the format and bios of all of the attending candidates, which will be given out to all attendees on the 20th.

ES-CA is hosting a Member Appreciation Party on Sunday, September 28th, from 5-7 pm, at the Placitas Community Library. All ES-CA members are invited and will also be encouraged to bring a guest. Wine, water and light food will be served. It will be a good opportunity to meet your neighbors and the Board members.

Orin reported that iContact is working well as the new system for contacting ES-CA membership. The Board unanimously agreed to retain Chris Miller to manage and update the ES-CA website.

The Board unanimously agreed to issue a Statement of Support, concerning what ES-CA would like to see done with the management of the Buffalo Tract in the BLM land. Bob will be posting a separate article here in the Forum about this issue.

ES-CA is responsible for litter cleanup on the first mile of Rt. 165 in Placitas. Bob reported that litter cleanup was done last month but that participation was minimal. Members are encouraged to participate in this activity as it benefits the whole community.

The next Board meeting will be on Monday, October 6th, beginning at 6:30 pm at La Puerta Realty. All members are welcome to attend.

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Buffalo Parcel Survey – Support for Restrictions and Uses – UPDATE: Results

ES-CA has sent out an email survey to members regarding possible restrictions on uses for the 3200 acre “Buffalo Parcel”, presently held by the BLM.  Various other entities have indicated a desire to acquire all or part of the Buffalo parcel from the BLM, which would happen through an act of federal government.

The present survey contains 7 possible conditions (see below) on uses of the Buffalo Parcel, if it should be acquired from the BLM.  Those taking the survey are asked to give each suggestion a ranking of 5 to 1, 5 for “most strongly support” to 1 for “least strongly support”.  The tabulated results of the survey will provide a ranking for what restrictive uses the ES-CA members most and least support.

ES-CA will report the survey results to our community, our federal and state senators and representatives, all involved government agencies, and all other interested parties.  This will form a Statement of Support, which will hopefully serve as firm guidelines for government discussions of restrictive covenants placed on the Buffalo Parcel in the event of acquisition.  Also, if the BLM does retain that property, then the survey results will indicate to them what our members do and do not consider acceptable uses.

The 7 survey items are as follows.  The order is based on a “straw poll” taken at the ES-CA August General Meeting, but the full ranking will be determined by the results of this survey:

1. Never allow any type of mining or extraction (except water) on the property.

2. Allow only uses of the land that are commonly considered low water uses.

3. Allow public access on established trails.

4. Restrict motorized vehicular use to emergencies, property maintenance, and accommodation of physically challenged visitors.

5. Establish and maintain wildlife corridors.

6. Provide an easement for a north vehicular emergency route between Placitas and I-25.

7. Never allow commercial or recreational firearm discharge on the property.

Please comment on this article to offer your suggestions for other possible restrictions on Buffalo Parcel uses.

UPDATE: Here are the results of the survey, with the items listed in the order of highest to lowest priority, based on the survey results.  There were 118 participants.

Weighted average = 4.70 — Never allow any type of mining or extraction (except water) on the property. — Votes: #5=85%, #4=6%, #3=5%, #2=1% #1=3%

Weighted average = 4.64 — Allow only uses of the land that are commonly considered low water uses. — Votes: #5=80%, #4=10%, #3=6%, #2=1%, #1=3%

Weighted average = 4.55 — Allow public access on established trails. —  Votes: #5=73%, #4=15%, #3=8%, #2=1%, #1=%3

Weighted average = 4.49 — Establish and maintain wildlife corridor. — Votes: #5=72%, #4=14%, #3=8%, #2=3%, #1=3%

Weighted average = 4.48 – Restrict motorized vehicular use to emergencies, property maintenance, and accommodation of physically challenged visitors.   — Votes: #5=72%, #4=14%, #3=8%, #2=3%, #1=3%

Weighted average = 4.27 – Never allow commercial or recreational firearm discharge on the property. — Votes: #5=72.7%, #4=5.1%, #3=7.7%, #2=6.0%, #1=8.5%

Weighted average = 3.34 – Provide an easement for a north vehicular emergency route between Placitas and I-25. — Votes: #5=32%, #4=20%, #3=20%, #2=8%, #1=20%

Based on these survey results ES-CA is submitting a Statement of Support (see here) to the public, government agencies, legislators and other interested parties.

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I25/550/165 Interchange Safety Discussion with NM-DOT

David Wilson, a consultant with Souder-Miller, was engaged by the New Mexico Department of Transportation to review the safety of the new interchange. At 5PM on Wednesday, August 13, 2014, Mr. Miller will present his draft findings at the Placitas Public Library. Seating will be limited.

If you would like to submit your story or concerns as a comment to this Forum article, please do so and all information will be communicated to DOT and Mr. Miller.

At the August 2nd ES-CA Annual Meeting, a show of hands strongly indicated that residents of Placitas believe that the intersection is less safe than before the reconstruction.

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ES-CA Board Meeting of August 4, 2014

The meeting was called to order at 6:33pm by President Bob Gorrell.

Board members present were: Bob Gorrell (BG); Lynn Koch (VP) (LK); Orin Safier (Treasurer) (OS); Chris Daul (Secretary) (CD); Ed Majka (EM) and Jerry Saxton (JS). Representing Director Tony Hull was delegate Joan Fenicle. Also attending were: Judy Labovitz; Steve Vaughn and Scott Stevens.

Treasurer’s Report: OS submitted a financial report.
Membership Committee: JS noted that he had sent out draft letters for Board review. It was also stated that district representatives would be enlisted to followup with members where contact information was missing. LK noted that she had signed up six new members.
Political/Legal Committee: EM reported that the last P/L meeting had been cancelled so that members could attend the Bernalillo Council meeting where a resolution was passed establishing a four month moratorium on mining in Bernalillo. EM reported on his meeting with Fisher representatives and that they were going to reapply to Bernalillo for annexation of their property. ED submitted notes of his meeting. ED also reported that LaFarge has approached Bernalillo about annexation. It was noted that Bernalillo Mayor Jack Torres has suffered a heart attack and it is unknown as to what action Bernalillo will be taking regarding these matters in the near future.
IT Committee: OS reported that there had been a response to our advertisement for a webmaster. A meeting will be scheduled with the applicant and certain Board members as an interview. OS also reported that he had researched using iContact. LK made a motion that was passed for OS to contract with iContact.
Communications Committee: CD reported that ES-CA had an article in the August issue of the Signpost. An advertisement will be placed in the September Signpost concerning the candidates’ forum on Sept. 20th.
Watchdogs: SS and LK reported that new members have agreed to be Watchdogs.
LPT: Steve Vaughn reported (on behalf of Dick Ulmer) that the Trust has raised over $30,000 but that it will need close to $100,000 in order to pay for total estimated legal costs. The LPT is reviewing the option of intervening in the County lawsuit against LaFarge or possibly filing their own lawsuit against LaFarge.
I 25/Rt. 550/Rt. 165: BG reported that a meeting has been scheduled for August 13, 2014 with the 3rd party engineer that has been studying the interchange, based upon ES-CA comments.
Candidates’ Forum: EM reported that seven of the eight candidates have agreed to attend. Gary Miles, who is running for Sandoval County Commission, declined to attend.
Member Appreciation Party: JS reported that the event is scheduled for September 28, 2014, from 5-7pm at the Placitas Library.
Hospital Tax: ED reported that the County tax for UNMH Regional and Presbyterian RUST hospitals will be up for reauthorization in 2016. ED said the P/L Committee will begin research on this issue and report to the Board as to whether ES-CA should support/oppose/or take no position on the reauthorization.
At-Large Director Nominations: BG reported that the following people have been nominated to run for the 3 at-large director positions this year: Bob Gorrell; Susan Fullas; and George Franzen. Orin Safier is not running for re-election and Lynn Koch is undecided at this point.
Algodones Flooding: CD noted that a meeting is scheduled for August 6, 2014, in Algodones to discuss the recent flooding issues. CD will attend the meeting on behalf of ES-CA.
BLM Buffalo Tract Disposition: The Board discussed preparing a list of survey questions concerning uses of this property. The final draft will be circulated by BG for Board approval and then a survey will be sent to all ES-CA members.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:22 pm.

The next meeting is in the process of being rescheduled since the regularly scheduled meeting falls on Labor Day. A notice will be posted in the Forum.

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