The Eastern Sandoval Citizens Association Board had its regular monthly meeting on December 2, 2014. In attendance were Board members: BG; Chris Daul (CD); Ed Majka (EM); Orin Safier (OS); and, Jerry Saxton (JS). A quorum was reached. Arriving later were Board Members Tony Hull (TH) and Lynn Koch (LK).
The minutes of the November Board meeting were approved unanimously without changes.
Guests attending the meeting were: Sandoval County District One Commissioner Elect James Dominguez; ES-CA Board Elect member Susan Fullas; Joan Fenicle, Chris Frye; Dick Ulmer; Judy Labowitz; Marsha Masden; Bill Wilhelm; Marvin; and, Nonnie.
Mr. Dominguez was asked to speak first and he thanked everyone for their support and stated that he would be very supportive of Placitas, as well as the whole district and County. He then asked that the Board advise him of the pressing issues. The Board proceeded to discuss the following matters:
a. Gravel Mining
BG reviewed the draft mining legislation that he has been working on. Mr. Dominguez stated that he supported the legislation and was working with Commissioner Walters to have the County express its public support for the legislation. They are:
1. Include sand and gravel mining operations greater than 5 acres within the Mining Act.
2. Allow Counties to impose penalties up to $1,000 per day for gravel mining zoning violations.
3. Allow Counties to impose a construction aggregate severance tax for local use.
b. Fisher Sand and Gravel
EM and CD reported that CD has met with Bernalillo Mayor Jack Torres and reviewed ES-CA’s recommendations for annexation of the site by Bernalillo. CD stated that Mayor Torres expressed his concurrence with the recommendations. CD is meeting with Mayor Torres on December 2 to discuss this matter again. CD will advise the Board concerning: (1) date of Mayor and Council meeting at which the application for annexation is to be discussed; (2) Mayor’s position on the recommendations; and (3) whether the application can be reviewed by the public. BG noted that the recommendations apply to the County as well, if they should retain jurisdiction. BG also noted that the County has not been pursuing the current outstanding violation issued to Fisher. Mr. Dominguez promised to look into that matter.
As an update, the matter will be listed on the December 22, 2014 meeting of the Bernalillo Mayor and Council. All interested persons are welcome to attend the meeting. Please feel free to contact ES-CA for additional information.
c. Land Use Planning Trust
The LPT is sending out a fundraising mailer to all Placitas residents. A motion to intervene in the County lawsuit against Vulcan was filed with the court on November 10. Seven notices of violation were filed by NMED against Vulcan.
d. I 25 Interchange
BG is continuing to follow-up with the District 3 Engineer.
e. Pipeline
OS noted that we still have not received any documents from our records request. Mr. Dominguez said that he would push the County to make a records request and that he was meeting with a PRC Commissioner to discuss this matter.
Committee reports were given as follows:
Treasurer’s Report: OS reported a current balance of $16,967.68. OS noted that the Officers and Directors Insurance was due and that he would pay the $810.00 due.
Watchdogs: Scot Stevens was not present. ED reported that there were now 22 people signed up as Watchdogs.
Membership: JS deferred.
Political/Legal: EM reported that the ESCAFCA bonds had passed.
IT Management: OS noted that our consultant was about finished with his work and OS would be testing it and reporting back.
Communications: CD noted that the Signpost had published our article and had also run an informative article on Vulcan.
Follow-up items included the ES-CA Statement of Support, concerning proposed uses for the Buffalo Tract of the BLM land. It was decided that ES-CA will try to meet with our Congressional delegation to discuss.
New business considered the following:
a. LPA-KURP Radio
Joan Fenicle and Chris Frye made a presentation about the new Placitas radio station and requested a donation from ES-CA for equipment purchases. Discussion ensued and the Board voted to contribute $1,000.00 to the station, pending approval by the membership.
b. Mission Statement/Rules of Engagement
The board decided to defer discussion of this item to the next meeting.
c. Election of 2015 Officers
The Board decided to have a consent agenda vote at the beginning of the next meeting and proposed: Bob Gorrell – President; Ed Majka – Vice President; Susan Fullas – Treasurer; and, Lynn Koch – Secretary
The next Board meeting is scheduled for Monday, January 5, 2015 at La Puerta Realty, beginning at 6:30pm. All are welcome to attend.