Hospital Tax

The Sandoval County Commission held a work session on Wednesday, July 20th, to discuss the Hospital Tax.  Currently, Sandoval County residents are assessed a mill levy of 4.25% on their property taxes.  This money is then distributed to both Sandoval Regional Medical Center (SRMC) and Presbyterian RUST Hospital (RUST).  Both hospitals are located in Rio Rancho.

Hospital Administrators Jamie Silva-Steele (SRMC) and Angela Ward (RUST) gave a joint presentation to the Commission listing the services provided, economic impact, community involvement and future growth plans of each hospital.  The presentation was similar to the ones presented by each before the ES-CA Board.

Commissioner Walters initially stated that he could support a new mill levy of 4% and Commissioner Dominguez asked what would happen if the mill levy was reduced.  Both administrators stated that any reduction in the mill levy would have a negative impact on the hospitals and could force cuts in services and/or staff.

After further discussion, the Commission directed the County Administrator to prepare a resolution to renew the tax at a rate of 4.25% and for a term of eight (8) years.  The resolution will be discussed and voted upon at the County Commission meeting scheduled for August 4.  If the Commission votes to approve the resolution, the issue will be placed on the November ballot for a vote by the residents of Sandoval County.

All Placitas residents are encouraged to attend this meeting.  Also, please attend the next board meeting on August 1 if you would like to express your thoughts on this matter to the board.

Posted in Current Issues, Property Taxes, Special Announcement | 1 Comment

Heinrich, Udall Introduce Buffalo Tract Protection Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. (July 15, 2016) – U.S. Senators Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) and Tom Udall (D-N.M.) introduced the Buffalo Tract Protection Act in response to deep concerns from local communities in southern Sandoval County about the negative impacts of a proposed gravel mine in the area. The bill will withdraw four parcels of Bureau of Land Management (BLM) lands, including the Buffalo Tract and the Crest of Montezuma, from any mineral development, including gravel mining. See Bill BuffaloTractHeinrichBill_July2016; see map Placitas Area Map; see ES-CA letter HeinrichLtrReAct_Jul2016

In 2012, the BLM released a draft of the new resource management plan for BLM lands in central New Mexico. In the draft plan, the BLM proposed to open the Buffalo Tract in southern Sandoval County to mineral development, including gravel mining. Since the release of the draft plan, many local residents and stakeholders have expressed deep concerns–including health risks–about a gravel mine on this land. Sandoval County, the Town of Bernalillo, the Merced De Comunidad De San Antonio De Las Huertas, the Pueblo of San Felipe, the Pueblo of Santa Ana, and Placitas residents are all opposed to gravel mining at this location.

“The Crest of Montezuma and the Buffalo Tract have incredible ecosystems and many uses both sacred and utilitarian. Numerous local residents have shared their concerns with me about the future of these lands. Most concerning to them are the ways in which a gravel mine would impact their health, quality of life, water supply, and continued access,” said Sen. Heinrich, a member of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.”By withdrawing these areas, New Mexicans can be sure that the land is not developed for mineral resources and their way of life and public health are protected.”
“Withdrawing the Crest of Montezuma and the Buffalo Tract from future mineral development is the right thing to do for the surrounding communities and to preserve the ancestral land of nearby Pueblos,” said Sen. Udall. “I have heard from many people in the area who are very concerned about the impact gravel mining might have on their health and the special way of life in southern Sandoval County. This bill strikes the right balance, and I’m pleased to work with Senator Heinrich and the community to move this legislation forward.”

Heinrich and Udall worked with local stakeholders and the community on finding a solution that will protect public health and the many traditional uses of these public lands. The Buffalo Tract Protection Act has been endorsed by the Town of Bernalillo, Santa Ana Pueblo, San Felipe Pueblo, Eastern Sandoval Citizens Association, Las Placitas Association, Ranchos de Placitas Property Owners Association, and La Mesa Homeowners Association.

In order to protect these communities from the negative impacts of a gravel mine on these public land, the BuffaloTract Protection Act would:
• Permanently withdraw four parcels of BLM lands, including the Buffalo Tract and the Crest of Montezuma, from any mineral development, including gravel mining;
• Maintain the authority of the BLM to sell, lease, or exchange the surface rights to the parcels, and;
• Ensure that if the surface rights are sold, leased, or exchanged, the mineral rights will remain under federal management and will remain withdrawn from development.

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Kinder Morgan Pipeline Fact Sheet

Kinder Morgan Pipeline Fact Sheet Information provided by John McNerney

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Placitas West Oppose High Density Re-Zoning

By Chad Williams. The Sandoval County Planning and Zoning Commission will continue to hear arguments to allow urban size lots within Placitas West.  The request is for a 300% increase in density and against all measures within the Placitas Plan.  Remember, Placitas Plan does allow denser development in specific planned areas, just not within established one acre per lot neighborhoods.  Allowed unchecked, this type of zoning change could affect homes anywhere in Placitas.  If you wish to oppose this from happening, you can begin by signing a petition along with many of your neighbors. Here is a link to the petition

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Buffalo Tract Protection Act

Senator Martin Heinrich plans to introduce the “Buffalo Tract Protection Act” into Congress this year. ES-CA sent a letter of support  HeinrichLtrReAct_Jul2016 for the proposed Bill BuffaloTractHeinrichBill_July2016.

If you want to send your individual letter, you can email it to his aide Abby Lewis at, or send by regular mail to Hon. Martin Heinrich, United States Senate, 303 Hart Senate, Office Building, Washington, DC 20510. The more letters the better.

The final Rio Puerco Resource Management Plan could come out any day.  The draft published in July 2012, opened the Buffalo Tract and other nearby public lands to gravel mining. Our area already has six gravel mines with four of them being among New Mexico’s thirteen largest. The cumulative negative economic and quality of life impacts, as well as health risks, of these mines on our area cannot be overstated.

Sandoval County passed Resolution 8-6-15.7 on August 6, 2015 “the Board does not support any new sand and gravel mining on the BLM Land Known as the Buffalo Tract…”. An August 2014 blind survey of our membership, 91% Agreed or Strongly Agreed “Never allow any type of mining or extraction (except water) on the property (Buffalo Tract)”. According to Plate 58 published in the 2012 draft RMP, there is a 60 mile aggregate rich (Rio Grande) corridor with an abundance of areas better suited for gravel mining.

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ES-CA Annual Meeting

The Eastern Sandoval Citizens Association held its annual meeting on Saturday, June 25, 2016, at the Anasazi Winery.  Board members attending included, Ed Majka, Bob Gorrell, Susan Fullas, Chris Daul, John McNerney and Lynn Koch.  Elected officials attending were State Representative Jim Smith and Sandoval County Commissioner James Dominguez.  There were approximately 60 residents in attendance.


The first speaker was Danita Burns, who is the Albuquerque District Manager for the Bureau of Land Management.  John Brenner, the BLM Field Manager for the Rio Puerco Office, was also in attendance.  Ms. Burns explained how large the BLM land area is in this District and the difficulties in managing the land wherein one half of New Mexico’s population resides.  She stated that technical issues have kept the Resource Management Plan from being issued yet but that she expects it to be issued within the next two months.


We will have 30 days in which to submit comments after the RMP is released.  ES-CA and the Las Placitas Association are coordinating notification of residents as soon as the document is released.  It is expected that the RMP will recommend sand and gravel mining in part of the Buffalo Tract and it is important that all residents submit their comments in a timely manner and that we make our position known to all of our elected officials.


BLM has stepped up its requirements on reclamation of mining sites by requiring that the companies secure sufficient bonds to cover the costs, should they default.   BLM does receive remuneration from any private company that utilizes BLM land for business operations and they do strive to balance land protection with other uses. 


The next speaker was Valerie Espinoza, who is the chairwoman of the NM Public Regulation Commission and the representative for our area of the State.  She provided an overview of what entities the PRC regulates, which includes utility companies, telecommunications and public transportation companies.  She noted that the PRC does not regulate private trucking companies.


Ms. Espinoza also discussed pipeline safety and had an inspector from the Pipeline Safety Bureau of the PRC discuss in detail about the pipelines that run through Placitas.  Information on the pipelines is posted in the Forum.


Dick Ulmer, chair of the Land Protection Trust discussed sand and gravel mining and how it has a negative effect on homeowners in the area.  He noted that as soon as the LPT was added to the lawsuit against Vulcan, they began settlement talks.  Dick also commented on the new air monitoring station that NMED has installed in Placitas and that NMED has issued violation notices to Vulcan for air violations.


ES-CA vice president Bob Gorrell spoke about Sandoval County ordinances and how ES-CA is trying to work with the County to adopt an ordinance that would regulate oil and gas drilling.


John McNerney, ES-CA’s director of political and legal affairs spoke about the pipelines in Placitas and his information sheet is posted on the Forum.


Chris Daul, ES-CA’s communications director spoke about the hospital tax and what the hospitals and the County are looking for as the tax expires at the end of this year.  Sandoval Regional Medical Center has met with ES-CA and provided information as to their operations and cost.  They have not made a formal request to continue the tax but it is expected that they will ask for a continuation at the present rate of 4.25.  ES-CA will be meeting with RUST Medical Center to discuss this issue as well at the next ES-CA board meeting on July 11.


ES-CA has not taken a position on the tax question at this time.  ES-CA has asked SRMC and will ask RUST if they would both make a joint presentation to the Placitas Community early this fall. 


ES-CA president Ed Majka closed the meeting by reminding everyone of the important role that residents play in getting our voices heard by the County, the State and the Federal government. 

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Contact Info for BLM and PRC

PRC and BLM contact info

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Placitas Pipeline Info

Please review the info presented by John McNerney at the ESCA Community Meeting by clicking on this link    Placitas Pipelines info 2016

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Air Quality Monitoring Now Operational in Placitas

Thanks to the help of the La Mesa Water Cooperative and others in our community, we were able to get NMED’s Air Quality Bureau to set up a real time air quality monitor on one of La Mesa’s pump houses (centrally located between the existing and proposed mining sites).  I’ve included the letter from NMED below—note that you can go to their site and look at the Station Report (“Placitas PM” station) and see in real time our particulate level (e.g. dust).  As this was just installed last week, it will take some time to build up meaningful history (a full year to have conclusive data against the EPA standards)—and the more inquisitive can look at station history, and other parameters.   We feel this is important so we have factual data about our air quality rather than having to speculate (and have a real baseline of data to better defend ourselves against the real possibility of the BLM opening yet another 1000 acres to mining within a 3 mile radius of Placitas).


 Sent: Friday, May 13, 2016 4:41 PM Subject: RE: Proposed sampler locations

Mr. Ulmer:

The Placitas monitor is up and running.  As per Adam Keaster, the cellular signal at that site is marginal so there are periods during which the data hasn’t updated.  However, as soon as the signal strength increases the data back-fills.  Our Monitoring Team will go back to Placitas next week to install a Yagi antenna which should boost the signal and minimize data delays.  But overall, it should produce real-time data.

Below is a copy of the link to our website to see the data.  You will need to paste this in your browser.  If you have any trouble or questions reviewing the website, please let any of us know.


Donna J. Intermont

Operations Section Chief

NM Environment Department

Air Quality Bureau 


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LPT moves forward with Lawsuit


By Dick Ulmer – On Tuesday, May 10, the Eastern Sandoval Citizens Association, Inc (ES-CA), represented by ES-CA Land Protection Trust (ESCA-LPT) Board Directors Richard Ulmer and Stephen Vaughan, were granted the right to intervene as Plaintiffs in the Sandoval County lawsuit against Vulcan and Lafarge.

This suit charges the mining operators and owners of the Placitas Pit with violation of several terms of the 1988 Certificate of Nonconformance. Floyd Wilson, the litigator for ESCA-LPT presented Judge Mercer with arguments supporting our intervention and explained that because of the alleged violations, many ESCA members “have suffered, and continue, to suffer severe and irreparable harm as a consequence of Defendants’ non-compliance with the terms and conditions of the Certificate of Non-Conformance. Without limitation, such harm includes loss of the value of their homes, excessive, and in some cases, dangerous air pollution, water pollution, noise, dust, light, vibrations, and visual pollution.”

Arguments against our intervention were presented by the lawyer representing both Lafarge and Vulcan, and the County Attorney took the position that he “did not oppose” our intervention—but also made other comments that were supportive of our cause. Much of the discussion between the lawyers were on technical points of case law. Wilson told the judge that given the “harm” to surrounding homeowners, that it was important that we have a “seat at the table” in proving the allegations and in any settlement discussions. At the end, the judge agreed and asked our lawyer to write up the court order granting our motion to intervene.

While this is only the first round, it became evident just how important the intervention really is. During the Vulcan testimony, their lawyer asserted that “settlement discussions were currently in progress with the County.” As a result of this action, we must now be party to such settlement before the suit can be dismissed—which I think our members can agree is in our best interests and will force a level of transparency that would likely not otherwise occur. Lafarge and Vulcan now know they must take our issues seriously.


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