Board meeting Agenda for March 10, 2025



Placitas Community Library
10 March 2025
Meeting 4:00 to 5:30

1. Call to order

2. Roll Call

3. Acceptance of minutes

4. Introduction of Guests


A. Treasurer’s Report – Wayne
B. IT Report – Jim
C. LPT Report LPA – Mary Rose
D. Coronado Soil and Water (CSW), Sandoval County Fire Emergency response. – Gary


A. What was accomplished in 2024 by ESCA- Phil



A. Meeting with County Commissioner – George
B. What I know and what I think I know – George
C. Survey items from the Overview of 2024, each Board member has a copy – Board

9. Adjournment

Next meeting 14 April 2025 Monthly meetings at the Placitas Library in person 4:00PM

George Franzen is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: ESCA Board meeting 10 March 25, Placitas Library Draft Agenda and zoom invite

Time: Mar 10, 2025 04:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting:

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Board Meeting Minutes for February 10, 2025


Board Meeting Minutes
10 February 2025
4:00 PM

 A. Call to order: President George Franzen called the meeting to order at 4:02 pm.

 B. Roll Call:

Directors present, representing a quorum: George Franzen, Wayne Gaede, Jim Harre, Gary Madee, Phil Messuri, Jacques Ramey, Rich Reif, and Jean Roberts. Also present: Mary-Rose de Valladares, Co-Chair, Land Protection Trust.

 C. Minutes: Minutes from the January meeting were approved via email.

 D. Introduction of Guests: Lance Voss

 E. Monthly Reports

1. Treasurer’s Report: Wayne Gaede reported a balance for ESCA in US Bank as of the end of last month of $5,450.53. Income included $700 in dues and $0.02 interest. Expenses of $374.60 included the New Mexico Secretary of State tax filing fee, Quicken subscription, Fatcow charge, and credit card fees. At US Eagle, ESCA had a balance at the end of last month of $37,034.54. Income included $0.04 in interest on the savings account and $115.09 on the CD, and no expenses. The total of ESCA’s accounts at both institutions was $42,485.07.

The US Bank balance for LPT as of last month was $2,312.90, which included a $10 transfer from ESCA to maintain the required balance, and no expenses for the month. The US Eagle account balance for LPT at the end of last month was $31,768.26. Income for the month was $0.04 in interest on the savings account, $98.65 in interest on the CD, and no expenses. The total of LPT’s accounts at both institutions was $34, 081.16.

Wayne provided via email a 2024 budget recap and proposed 2025 budget for the board to review. Jim moved that we approve the budget as written. Phil seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.

2. IT Report: Jim Harre reported that ESCA has 43 standard members and 33 joint members, for a total of 109 votes.

Jim researched a potential replacement for Fatcow as our website host, given the rising costs, and he found a company called Racknerd at a considerably lower price. He will begin transferring information to the new host over the next year to be sure the website works correctly before terminating the Fatcow relationship.

3. LPT and LPA Report: Mary-Rose reported that the New Mexico Congressional delegation has decided to delay reintroducing the bill to protect the Buffalo Tract from gravel mining. The delay will be at least 60 days until they have a better sense of the political environment. She also recommended a meeting with BLM, LPA, ESCA, the local tribes, and possibly Sandoval County Commissioner Katherine Bruch to discuss low-impact recreational uses of the Buffalo Tract before a contract is signed. She noted that the BLM should be aware that the community may strongly oppose certain recreational uses and access routes through the community, and some types of recreation would mean greater liability issues.

4. Coronado Soil and Water (CSW): Gary Madee reported that he, George, and Myron Temchin attended a meeting to discuss the fuel reduction issue, but no decisions were made.

He also sent via email information about a national group named Firewise that organizes volunteers to work on fuel reduction on private land. He recommended that we look at the organization’s website, and he will contact a local resident and ESCA member who may be involved with the group already.

Gary looked into Community Wildfire Defense Grants but was told that none were available in Sandoval County because the county hasn’t completed its land use plan since 2012.

F. Old Business:

1. None

 G. New Business:

1. Member Survey: Jim reported few responses to the survey added to the 2024 accomplishments report. He will send out a reminder. The board will discuss the responses at the next meeting. OPEN—Jim

 H. Open Discussion:

1. Placitas Relationship with the Vulcan Mine: Phil handed out a paper written by Myron Temchin with background information and a proposed action plan to address whether Vulcan’s reclamation plans are in the community’s best interests. Phil will provide the document to board members who are on Zoom, and the issue will be discussed at the next meeting. OPEN—Phil, Board

I. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 5:46 pm.

  Next meeting: 4 pm, March 10, 2025, at the Placitas Community Library and on Zoom.




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Board Meeting Agenda for February 10, 2025



Placitas Community Library
February 10 2025
Meeting 4:00 to 5:30

1. Call to order

2. Roll Call

3. Acceptance of minutes

4. Introduction of Guests


A. Treasurer’s Report – Wayne

B. IT Report – Jim

C. LPT Report LPA – Mary Rose

D. Coronado Soil and Water (CSW), Sandoval County Emergency response – Gary



A. What was accomplished in 2024 by ESCA- Phil

B. Surveying of members for their opinion on issues – Board


 9. Adjournment

Next meeting March 10, 2025 Monthly meetings at the Placitas Library in person 4:00PM

Join Zoom Meeting


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Board Meeting Minutes for January 13, 2025


Board Meeting Minutes
13 January 2025
4:00 PM


A. Call to order: President George Franzen called the meeting to order at 4:05 pm.

B. Roll Call: Directors present, representing a quorum: George Franzen, Wayne Gaede, Jim Harre, Gary Madee, Phil Messuri, Jacques Ramey, and Jean Roberts. Rich Reif was absent. Also present: Mary-Rose de Valladares, Co-Chair, Land Protection Trust.

C. Minutes: Minutes from the December meeting were approved.

D. Introduction of Guests: Lance Voss

E. Monthly Reports

1. Treasurer’s Report: Wayne Gaede reported a balance for ESCA in US Bank as of the end of last month of $5,125.11. Income included $375 in dues and $0.02 interest. Expenses included annual meeting costs of $240.01, a $10 transfer to the LPT account to maintain the required balance, and credit card fees of $7.44. At US Eagle, ESCA had a balance at the end of last month of $36,919.41. Income included $0.04 in interest on the savings account and $114.73 on the CD, and no expenses. The total of ESCA’s accounts at both institutions was $42,044.52.

The US Bank balance for LPT as of last month was $2,312.90, which included a $10 transfer from ESCA to maintain the required balance, and no expenses for the month. The US Eagle account balance for LPT at the end of last month was $31,669.57. Income for the month was $0.04 in interest on the savings account, $98.34 in interest on the CD, and no expenses. The total of LPT’s accounts at both institutions was $33,982.47.

Wayne provided a copy of our new D&O insurance policy for 2025, at a cost of $581. Our agent will look for multi-year coverage next year.

2. IT Report: Jim Harre reported that ESCA has 43 standard members and 33 joint members, for a total of 109 votes. He also noted that Fat Cow’s fee for its SSL security certificate has nearly doubled. He is researching a less expensive option. He has also found an option for a free security plug-in.

3. RMP and Buffalo Tract Update: Mary-Rose reported that Representative Stansbury is going to reintroduce the bill to protect the Buffalo Tract from gravel mining. Mary-Rose will contact Senator Heinrich’s office as well.

On the Buffalo Tract, Las Placitas Association expects to have the required D&O insurance policy to move ahead with the grant, possibly effective in early February. Santa Ana’s new grant for wildlife corridors and other protections will also complement the Buffalo Tract efforts.

F. Old Business:

1. ESCA Schedule for 2025, Zoom and Annual Meetings: George reported a revision to the schedule, which he has emailed to the board. –CLOSED

 G. New Business:

1. Appointment of Officer of the Board of Directors: George noted that we need to appoint a Vice President. Jim moved that we approve Phil as Vice President, and Wayne seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. –CLOSED

2. 2024 ESCA Accomplishments: Phil has drafted a report highlighting ESCA’s 2024 accomplishments and asked for comments from the board. Jim will send out the final version to the ESCA membership. –OPEN (Phil, Board)

3. Member Survey: The board discussed adding a survey question to the 2024 accomplishments report. OPEN—(Board)

4. Communications With Members: Phil agreed to do a mid-year review. We will continue with ad hoc communications and monthly events. –CLOSED

 H. Open Discussion:

 1. Possible grant: Gary Madee suggested hiring a grant writer to apply for a Community Wildfire Defense Grant to improve environmental resiliency, including steps to minimize the possibility of wildfires. Gary will find out whether ESCA is qualified to apply for the grant funds and further details. –OPEN—Gary

2. 2025 Budget: Wayne also provided a budget recap, which he will send to the board along with a proposed budget for 2025. OPEN–Wayne

 I. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 5:19 pm.

  Next meeting: 4 pm – 5:30 pm, February 10, 2025,
at the Placitas Community Library and on Zoom.




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Board Meeting Agenda for January 13, 2025



Placitas Community Library
13 January 2025
Meeting 4:00 to 5:30

1. Call to order

2. Roll Call

3. Acceptance of minutes

4. Introduction of Guests


A. Treasurer’s Report – Wayne

Status of Directors and Officers (D&O) liability insurance 

B. IT Report – Jim

C. RMP and Buffalo Tract – Mary Rose


A. ESCA Schedule for 2025, zoom meeting, annual Meeting – Board approval


A. Appointment of Officer of the Board of Directors – Board

B. What was accomplished in 2024 by ESCA- Phil

C. Surveying of members for their opinion on issues – Board

D. Best way to keep our member informed about Board action and community affairs – Board


 9. Adjournment

Next meeting 10 February 2025 Monthly meetings at the Placitas Library in person 4:00PM

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 895 1838 9680

Passcode: 692743


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Board Meeting Minutes for December 9, 2024


Board Meeting Minutes
9 December 2024
4:00 PM

A. Call to order:

President George Franzen called the meeting to order at 4:02 pm.

B. Roll Call:

Directors present, representing a quorum: George Franzen, Wayne Gaede, Jim Harre, Phil Messuri, Rich Reif, and Jean Roberts. Gary Madee and Jacques Ramey were absent. Myron Temchin has resigned. Also present: Mary-Rose de Valladares, Co-Chair, Land Protection Trust.

C. Minutes:

Minutes from the November annual meeting were approved.

D. Introduction of Guests:

County Commissioner Katherine Bruch, who discussed several topics. First, on whether Vulcan is in compliance with the County agreement, she noted that the County has no capacity to enforce compliance, and the issue is in State hands. She has requested an annual meeting date so that all parties can schedule and prepare. On the periodic erosion on Camino Manzano, we can meet with the County roads department, but the most important focus in her view is to work with Mt. Adams on future use of the land. The erosion problem could be a negotiating tool.


E. Monthly Reports

1. Treasurer’s Report: Wayne Gaede reported a balance for ESCA in US Bank as of the end of last month of $5,007.54. Income included $625 in dues and $0.02 interest. Expenses included donations of $300 each to KUPR and Casa Rosa Food Pantry, and credit card fees of $17.21. At US Eagle, ESCA had a balance at the end of last month of $36,804.64. Income included $0.04 in interest on the savings account and $121.47 on the CD, and no expenses. The total of ESCA’s accounts at both institutions was $41,812.18.

The US Bank balance for LPT as of last month was $2,302.90, with no income or expenses for the month. The US Eagle account balance for LPT at the end of last month was $31,571.19. Income for the month was $0.04 in interest on the savings account, $104.12 in interest on the CD, and no expenses. The total of LPT’s accounts at both institutions was $33,874.09.

Wayne also reported that our insurance agent is looking for new D&O insurance after our current insurance company decided not to cover our type of organization. We are covered until January 5.

2. IT Report: Jim Harre reported that ESCA has 44 standard members and 31 joint members, for a total of 106 votes. Jim will research a new, free security plug.

3. Washington Report and Buffalo Tract Update: Mary-Rose reported that Senator Heinrich will serve as the ranking Democrat on the Energy and Natural Resources Committee in the next Congress. Mike Lee of Utah will be the chair, which may bode well for our interests. Representative Melanie Stansbury is running for the ranking Democratic position on the House side. Mary-Rose also commented that we may have a more receptive ear in Congress for preserving areas such as the Buffalo Tract.

On the Buffalo Tract, Las Placitas Association is experiencing a delay in moving ahead with the grant until they obtain D&O insurance. Santa Ana and other local pueblos are on board with efforts to protect the Buffalo Tract, and they may have influence that would help support preservation and conservation efforts.

F. Old Business:

1. Annual Meeting Report: George reported that only six members attended, not including the board; the meeting may have been overshadowed by election fatigue. The Sandoval Signpost covered the meeting with a lengthy article. –CLOSED

G. New Business:

1. ESCA Schedule for 2025: George provided a schedule for regular and annual meetings, and the Adopt-a-Highway cleanups. Jim moved that we accept the schedule. Phil seconded. The motion passed. –CLOSED

H. Open Discussion:

1. ESCA’s Role in the Community: The board discussed whether to continue to take a proactive approach when we see an issue that is detrimental to the community, or a more activist approach. The consensus was that a proactive, cooperative approach to community issues will garner the best results. The board agreed to survey the membership more often to identify community concerns and enhance our strategic planning.

2. US Forest Service, Training, Public Action, “Forestry and Fuels Grants”: George commented that fuel grants are only offered to 501(c)(3) organizations, not to 501(c)(4) groups like ESCA. The Coronado Soil and Water has been working to thin areas in danger of forest fires, and George recommended we support their efforts while working with the US Forest Service. On the Vulcan Mine reclamation, we need to obtain the reclamation plans. On Camino Manzano erosion, we will continue to monitor Sandoval County Planning and Zoning and keep an eye on Mt. Adams’ plans for their property.

3. Amount of Detail in Minutes: George noted that Roberts Rules of Order do not allow for action to be taken on items not on the agenda, so the minutes for the annual meeting were appropriate.

I. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 5:42 pm.

Next meeting: 4 pm, January 13, 2025, at the Placitas Community Library and on Zoom.





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Board Meeting Agenda for December 9, 2024


Placitas Community Library
9 December 2024
Meeting 4:00 to 5:30

1. Call to order

2. Roll Call

3. Acceptance of minutes

4. Introduction of Guests


  • A. Treasurer’s Report – Wayne
    Status of Directors and Officers (D&O) liability insurance
  • B. IT Report – Jim
  • C. Washington report – Mary Rose
  • d. Buffalo Tract update – Myron


  • A. Annual Meeting Report – George


  • A. ESCA Schedule for 2025, zoom meeting, annual Meeting – Board


  • A. Discussion with U.S. Forest, training program, public action, and “forestry and Fuels Grants”- Myron.
  • B. Vulcan mine reports from consultant on reclamation – Myon
  • C. County Maintenance of Manzano during erosion problems – Board
  • D. How much detail should go into the minutes. Board

9. Adjournment

Next meeting 13 January 2025 Monthly meetings at the Placitas Library in person 4:00PM

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 841 6097 5713 Passcode: 104457

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Board Meeting Minutes for November 17, 2024


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Board Meeting Agenda for November 17, 2024



Annual Meeting Agenda
Placitas Community Library
17 November 2024

Social Hour 3:00 to 4:00
Meeting 4:00 to 5:30

1. Call to order

2. Roll Call

  •   Introduce Board of Directors

3. Acceptance of minutes

4. Introduction of Guests


  • A. Treasurer’s Report – Wayne
  • B. IT Report – Jim
  • C. Washington report – Mary Rose


A. Donations and Administrative cost – George

B. Adopt- A-highway 26th of Oct, 9PM – Phil




  • A. U.S. Forest Service – Phil Rudy, Ranger
  • B. Buffalo Tract – LPA President, Sandy Johnson
  • C. Vulcan Gravel Mine – Plant manager. Eric Fletcher
  • D. Sandoval County Commission – Katherine Bruch


10. Adjournment

Next meeting 9 Dec. 2024 Monthly meetings at the Placitas Library in person 4:00PM

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Board Meeting Minutes – October 14, 2024


Board Meeting Minutes
14 October 2024
4:00 PM


A. Call to order. President George Franzen called the meeting to order at 4:05 pm.

B. Roll Call. Directors present, representing a quorum: George Franzen, Wayne Gaede, Gary Madee, Phil Messuri, Rich Reif, Jacques Ramey, and Jean Roberts. Myron Temchin and Jim Harre were absent, due to a family emergency and travel respectively.

C. Minutes: Minutes from the September meeting were approved.

D. Introduction of Guests: Mary-Rose de Valladares, Chair of the Land Protection Trust; Bob Gorrell.

E. Monthly Reports

1. Treasurer’s Report: Wayne Gaede reported a balance for ESCA in US Bank as of the end of last month of $6,478.94. Income included $550 in dues and $0.02 interest. Expenses totaled $831.81. At US Eagle, ESCA had a balance at the end of last month of $36,546.91. Income included $0.04 in interest on the savings account and $131.31 on the CD, and no expenses. The total of ESCA’s accounts at both institutions was $43,025.85.

The US Bank balance for LPT as of last month was $2,302.90, with no income or expenses for the month. The US Eagle account balance for LPT at the end of last month was $31,350.26. Income for the month was $0.04 in interest on the savings account, $112.55 in interest on the CD, and no expenses. The total of LPT’s accounts at both institutions was $33,653.16.

2. IT Report: Jim Harre reported by email that ESCA has 46 standard members and 54 joint members, for a total of 110 votes.

3. Buffalo Tract Report: In Myron’s absence, Mary-Rose reported that he has distributed a request for proposals (RFP) and is following up with several consultants who responded. Las Placitas Association, Myron, and Mary-Rose are working together to determine how to take into consideration a new BLM conservation rule, which may require an RFP amendment that would add an environmental assessment to the scope of work. The conservation rule has not been well defined yet.

4. Buffalo Tract RMP and Legislation: Mary-Rose reported that the Governor’s office is planning to comment on the BLM’s Resource Management Plan. Some local pueblos are asking to meet with the BLM, and they have the comments submitted by ESCA and Las Placitas Association. Mary-Rose also provided our comments to Sandoval County officials. On legislation, Congress is in recess.

F. Old Business:

1. Election of Board Officers: Jim Harre reported by email that all board members up for re-election were elected by a wide margin. –CLOSED

2. ESCA Annual Meeting: George reported that Sandy Johnson of Las Placitas Association will speak about Buffalo Tract developments. Gary Madee contacted Forest Service personnel, one or more of whom will attend and speak. George will also ask Ron Overley to ask for a speaker from Vulcan Mine to address what will happen in September 2026. –OPEN—George, Board

3. Donations and Administrative Cost: Wayne confirmed that he sent the $1,000 check to the Placitas Elementary School’s Parent Teacher Organization. Wayne moved that we donate $300 each to KUPR and Casa Rosa, and an administrative payment of $600 to Placitas Community Library. Rich seconded the motion. The motion passed. –OPEN – Board

4. Adopt-A-Highway: Phil Messuri reminded the board that this effort is scheduled for Oct. 26, 9am. He is sending a second reminder to members, and he has requested safety vests from NMDOT. –OPEN – Phil

5. Letter Concerning Recommendations to County on Vulcan Reclamation: George reported that he and Myron Temchin are recommending that Mt. Adams hire an independent, third-party quality assurance company that can assure that they are following Federal and State reclamation rules. George provided a letter, which would be sent to the Sandoval County manager and lawyer, the County Commission chair, Commissioner Katherine Bruch, and Mt. Adams. Rich moved that we send this letter, and Wayne seconded the motion. The motion passed.

G. New Business:

1. Abandoned Pipeline Material on Buffalo Tract: Phil reported that the pipeline company has removed leftover materials on the Buffalo Tract. –CLOSED

H. Open Discussion:

1. Signpost article: George will check with Sandy Johnson to learn how Las Placitas Association has been successful in submitting articles to the Signpost. – OPEN—George

I. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 5:02 pm.

Next meeting: 4 pm, November 17, 2024, at the Placitas Community Library.




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