Board Meeting Minutes
9 September 2024
4:00 PM
A. Call to order. President George Franzen called the meeting to order at 4:05 pm.
B. Roll Call. Directors present, representing a quorum: George Franzen, Jim Harre, Gary Madee, Phil Messuri, Rich Reif, and Jean Roberts. Wayne Gaede, Jacques Ramey, and Myron Temchin were absent.
C. Minutes: Minutes from the August meeting were approved.
D. Introduction of Guests: Vicki Gottlieb and Rick Bela.
E. Monthly Reports
1. Treasurer’s Report: Wayne Gaede reported a balance for ESCA in US Bank as of the end of last month of $6,760.73. Income included a $1,000 donation from Jardineros, $500 in dues, and $0.02 interest. Expenses were $16.92 for credit card fees. At US Eagle, ESCA had a balance at the end of last month of $36,415.56. Income included $0.04 in interest on the savings account and $135.19 on the CD, and no expenses. The total of ESCA’s accounts at both institutions was $43,176.29.
The US Bank balance for LPT as of last month was $2,302.90, with no income or expenses for the month. The US Eagle account balance for LPT at the end of last month was $31,237.67. Income for the month was $0.04 in interest on the savings account, $115.87 in interest on the CD, and no expenses. The total of LPT’s accounts at both institutions was $33,540.57.
2. IT Report: Jim Harre reported that ESCA has 47 standard members and 31 joint members, for a total of 109 votes.
3. Buffalo Tract Report: George reported that Las Placitas Association has signed the New Mexico Economic Development grant. They will be working with BLM on an environmental impact statement for the various recreational uses under consideration. LPA and Mary-Rose de Valladares reviewed the lengthy Resource Management Plan produced by the BLM and crafted a response to the BLM.
George also reported that the Vulcan mine reclamation will be sloped to the center of the mine as originally proposed. The berm around the mine will be removed during reclamation, but the land will not be compacted. The reseeding will be done during a seasonally appropriate time.
F. Old Business:
1. Communication With Members: George reported that he received positive comments about the ESCA email listing community events. He asked Jean to continue this effort, which Jim will send to the ESCA membership. –CLOSED
2. ESCA Bylaws Changes: Rich confirmed that ESCA is not required to submit a copy of our revised bylaws to the State of New Mexico. –CLOSED
G. New Business:
1. Election of Board Officers: Jim will work on a ballot for at-large board members who will be up for re-election. OPEN-Jim
2. ESCA Annual Meeting Date Change: George noted that the date of the annual meeting will change to Sunday, November 17, because the room was unavailable on the previous date. George will write an announcement that Jim will send to ESCA members. OPEN-George, Jim
3. Expenses for Donations and Administrative Costs: Phil moved that ESCA donate $1,000 to the Placitas Elementary Parent Teachers Organization to provide a field trip to a Popejoy Hall show for all their students. Jim seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. We will discuss possible donations to the library, Casa Rosa, and KUPR at the next meeting. OPEN–George
4. Adopt-A-Highway: The fall cleanup will be Saturday, October 26, 9am. OPEN – Phil, Jim.
5. Marketing Brochure: Phil reported that he is working on a new tri-fold brochure. Jim will send the ESCA logo and any other artwork. OPEN—Phil, Jim
6. Pipeline Replacement: George noted complaints about a portion of an abandoned pipeline near the area where the existing pipeline is being replaced. The segment does not belong to the company working on the replacement. Phil will check on various cleanup efforts before our next meeting, and we will decide whether to contact the BLM. OPEN–Phil
H. Open Discussion:
1. Signpost article: No article needed at this time.
I. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 5:02 pm.
Next meeting: 4 pm, October 14, 2024, at the Placitas Community Library.