Board Meeting Minutes
10 February 2025
4:00 PM
A. Call to order: President George Franzen called the meeting to order at 4:02 pm.
B. Roll Call:
Directors present, representing a quorum: George Franzen, Wayne Gaede, Jim Harre, Gary Madee, Phil Messuri, Jacques Ramey, Rich Reif, and Jean Roberts. Also present: Mary-Rose de Valladares, Co-Chair, Land Protection Trust.
C. Minutes: Minutes from the January meeting were approved via email.
D. Introduction of Guests: Lance Voss
E. Monthly Reports
1. Treasurer’s Report: Wayne Gaede reported a balance for ESCA in US Bank as of the end of last month of $5,450.53. Income included $700 in dues and $0.02 interest. Expenses of $374.60 included the New Mexico Secretary of State tax filing fee, Quicken subscription, Fatcow charge, and credit card fees. At US Eagle, ESCA had a balance at the end of last month of $37,034.54. Income included $0.04 in interest on the savings account and $115.09 on the CD, and no expenses. The total of ESCA’s accounts at both institutions was $42,485.07.
The US Bank balance for LPT as of last month was $2,312.90, which included a $10 transfer from ESCA to maintain the required balance, and no expenses for the month. The US Eagle account balance for LPT at the end of last month was $31,768.26. Income for the month was $0.04 in interest on the savings account, $98.65 in interest on the CD, and no expenses. The total of LPT’s accounts at both institutions was $34, 081.16.
Wayne provided via email a 2024 budget recap and proposed 2025 budget for the board to review. Jim moved that we approve the budget as written. Phil seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.
2. IT Report: Jim Harre reported that ESCA has 43 standard members and 33 joint members, for a total of 109 votes.
Jim researched a potential replacement for Fatcow as our website host, given the rising costs, and he found a company called Racknerd at a considerably lower price. He will begin transferring information to the new host over the next year to be sure the website works correctly before terminating the Fatcow relationship.
3. LPT and LPA Report: Mary-Rose reported that the New Mexico Congressional delegation has decided to delay reintroducing the bill to protect the Buffalo Tract from gravel mining. The delay will be at least 60 days until they have a better sense of the political environment. She also recommended a meeting with BLM, LPA, ESCA, the local tribes, and possibly Sandoval County Commissioner Katherine Bruch to discuss low-impact recreational uses of the Buffalo Tract before a contract is signed. She noted that the BLM should be aware that the community may strongly oppose certain recreational uses and access routes through the community, and some types of recreation would mean greater liability issues.
4. Coronado Soil and Water (CSW): Gary Madee reported that he, George, and Myron Temchin attended a meeting to discuss the fuel reduction issue, but no decisions were made.
He also sent via email information about a national group named Firewise that organizes volunteers to work on fuel reduction on private land. He recommended that we look at the organization’s website, and he will contact a local resident and ESCA member who may be involved with the group already.
Gary looked into Community Wildfire Defense Grants but was told that none were available in Sandoval County because the county hasn’t completed its land use plan since 2012.
F. Old Business:
1. None
G. New Business:
1. Member Survey: Jim reported few responses to the survey added to the 2024 accomplishments report. He will send out a reminder. The board will discuss the responses at the next meeting. OPEN—Jim
H. Open Discussion:
1. Placitas Relationship with the Vulcan Mine: Phil handed out a paper written by Myron Temchin with background information and a proposed action plan to address whether Vulcan’s reclamation plans are in the community’s best interests. Phil will provide the document to board members who are on Zoom, and the issue will be discussed at the next meeting. OPEN—Phil, Board
I. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 5:46 pm.
Next meeting: 4 pm, March 10, 2025, at the Placitas Community Library and on Zoom.