Board Meeting Minutes for January 13, 2025


Board Meeting Minutes
13 January 2025
4:00 PM


A. Call to order: President George Franzen called the meeting to order at 4:05 pm.

B. Roll Call: Directors present, representing a quorum: George Franzen, Wayne Gaede, Jim Harre, Gary Madee, Phil Messuri, Jacques Ramey, and Jean Roberts. Rich Reif was absent. Also present: Mary-Rose de Valladares, Co-Chair, Land Protection Trust.

C. Minutes: Minutes from the December meeting were approved.

D. Introduction of Guests: Lance Voss

E. Monthly Reports

1. Treasurer’s Report: Wayne Gaede reported a balance for ESCA in US Bank as of the end of last month of $5,125.11. Income included $375 in dues and $0.02 interest. Expenses included annual meeting costs of $240.01, a $10 transfer to the LPT account to maintain the required balance, and credit card fees of $7.44. At US Eagle, ESCA had a balance at the end of last month of $36,919.41. Income included $0.04 in interest on the savings account and $114.73 on the CD, and no expenses. The total of ESCA’s accounts at both institutions was $42,044.52.

The US Bank balance for LPT as of last month was $2,312.90, which included a $10 transfer from ESCA to maintain the required balance, and no expenses for the month. The US Eagle account balance for LPT at the end of last month was $31,669.57. Income for the month was $0.04 in interest on the savings account, $98.34 in interest on the CD, and no expenses. The total of LPT’s accounts at both institutions was $33,982.47.

Wayne provided a copy of our new D&O insurance policy for 2025, at a cost of $581. Our agent will look for multi-year coverage next year.

2. IT Report: Jim Harre reported that ESCA has 43 standard members and 33 joint members, for a total of 109 votes. He also noted that Fat Cow’s fee for its SSL security certificate has nearly doubled. He is researching a less expensive option. He has also found an option for a free security plug-in.

3. RMP and Buffalo Tract Update: Mary-Rose reported that Representative Stansbury is going to reintroduce the bill to protect the Buffalo Tract from gravel mining. Mary-Rose will contact Senator Heinrich’s office as well.

On the Buffalo Tract, Las Placitas Association expects to have the required D&O insurance policy to move ahead with the grant, possibly effective in early February. Santa Ana’s new grant for wildlife corridors and other protections will also complement the Buffalo Tract efforts.

F. Old Business:

1. ESCA Schedule for 2025, Zoom and Annual Meetings: George reported a revision to the schedule, which he has emailed to the board. –CLOSED

 G. New Business:

1. Appointment of Officer of the Board of Directors: George noted that we need to appoint a Vice President. Jim moved that we approve Phil as Vice President, and Wayne seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. –CLOSED

2. 2024 ESCA Accomplishments: Phil has drafted a report highlighting ESCA’s 2024 accomplishments and asked for comments from the board. Jim will send out the final version to the ESCA membership. –OPEN (Phil, Board)

3. Member Survey: The board discussed adding a survey question to the 2024 accomplishments report. OPEN—(Board)

4. Communications With Members: Phil agreed to do a mid-year review. We will continue with ad hoc communications and monthly events. –CLOSED

 H. Open Discussion:

 1. Possible grant: Gary Madee suggested hiring a grant writer to apply for a Community Wildfire Defense Grant to improve environmental resiliency, including steps to minimize the possibility of wildfires. Gary will find out whether ESCA is qualified to apply for the grant funds and further details. –OPEN—Gary

2. 2025 Budget: Wayne also provided a budget recap, which he will send to the board along with a proposed budget for 2025. OPEN–Wayne

 I. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 5:19 pm.

  Next meeting: 4 pm – 5:30 pm, February 10, 2025,
at the Placitas Community Library and on Zoom.




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