Board Meeting Minutes for December 9, 2024


Board Meeting Minutes
9 December 2024
4:00 PM

A. Call to order:

President George Franzen called the meeting to order at 4:02 pm.

B. Roll Call:

Directors present, representing a quorum: George Franzen, Wayne Gaede, Jim Harre, Phil Messuri, Rich Reif, and Jean Roberts. Gary Madee and Jacques Ramey were absent. Myron Temchin has resigned. Also present: Mary-Rose de Valladares, Co-Chair, Land Protection Trust.

C. Minutes:

Minutes from the November annual meeting were approved.

D. Introduction of Guests:

County Commissioner Katherine Bruch, who discussed several topics. First, on whether Vulcan is in compliance with the County agreement, she noted that the County has no capacity to enforce compliance, and the issue is in State hands. She has requested an annual meeting date so that all parties can schedule and prepare. On the periodic erosion on Camino Manzano, we can meet with the County roads department, but the most important focus in her view is to work with Mt. Adams on future use of the land. The erosion problem could be a negotiating tool.


E. Monthly Reports

1. Treasurer’s Report: Wayne Gaede reported a balance for ESCA in US Bank as of the end of last month of $5,007.54. Income included $625 in dues and $0.02 interest. Expenses included donations of $300 each to KUPR and Casa Rosa Food Pantry, and credit card fees of $17.21. At US Eagle, ESCA had a balance at the end of last month of $36,804.64. Income included $0.04 in interest on the savings account and $121.47 on the CD, and no expenses. The total of ESCA’s accounts at both institutions was $41,812.18.

The US Bank balance for LPT as of last month was $2,302.90, with no income or expenses for the month. The US Eagle account balance for LPT at the end of last month was $31,571.19. Income for the month was $0.04 in interest on the savings account, $104.12 in interest on the CD, and no expenses. The total of LPT’s accounts at both institutions was $33,874.09.

Wayne also reported that our insurance agent is looking for new D&O insurance after our current insurance company decided not to cover our type of organization. We are covered until January 5.

2. IT Report: Jim Harre reported that ESCA has 44 standard members and 31 joint members, for a total of 106 votes. Jim will research a new, free security plug.

3. Washington Report and Buffalo Tract Update: Mary-Rose reported that Senator Heinrich will serve as the ranking Democrat on the Energy and Natural Resources Committee in the next Congress. Mike Lee of Utah will be the chair, which may bode well for our interests. Representative Melanie Stansbury is running for the ranking Democratic position on the House side. Mary-Rose also commented that we may have a more receptive ear in Congress for preserving areas such as the Buffalo Tract.

On the Buffalo Tract, Las Placitas Association is experiencing a delay in moving ahead with the grant until they obtain D&O insurance. Santa Ana and other local pueblos are on board with efforts to protect the Buffalo Tract, and they may have influence that would help support preservation and conservation efforts.

F. Old Business:

1. Annual Meeting Report: George reported that only six members attended, not including the board; the meeting may have been overshadowed by election fatigue. The Sandoval Signpost covered the meeting with a lengthy article. –CLOSED

G. New Business:

1. ESCA Schedule for 2025: George provided a schedule for regular and annual meetings, and the Adopt-a-Highway cleanups. Jim moved that we accept the schedule. Phil seconded. The motion passed. –CLOSED

H. Open Discussion:

1. ESCA’s Role in the Community: The board discussed whether to continue to take a proactive approach when we see an issue that is detrimental to the community, or a more activist approach. The consensus was that a proactive, cooperative approach to community issues will garner the best results. The board agreed to survey the membership more often to identify community concerns and enhance our strategic planning.

2. US Forest Service, Training, Public Action, “Forestry and Fuels Grants”: George commented that fuel grants are only offered to 501(c)(3) organizations, not to 501(c)(4) groups like ESCA. The Coronado Soil and Water has been working to thin areas in danger of forest fires, and George recommended we support their efforts while working with the US Forest Service. On the Vulcan Mine reclamation, we need to obtain the reclamation plans. On Camino Manzano erosion, we will continue to monitor Sandoval County Planning and Zoning and keep an eye on Mt. Adams’ plans for their property.

3. Amount of Detail in Minutes: George noted that Roberts Rules of Order do not allow for action to be taken on items not on the agenda, so the minutes for the annual meeting were appropriate.

I. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 5:42 pm.

Next meeting: 4 pm, January 13, 2025, at the Placitas Community Library and on Zoom.





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