The ES-CA board of directors met on August 1, 2016. Board members present: BG; Chris Daul (CD); Susan Fullas (SF); and John McNerney(JM). Lynn Koch (LK) A quorum was present.
Monthly reports were presented.
- Treasurer’s Report. SF reported ES-CA had a balance of $18,227.67 as of July 31, 2016, reflecting income from dues of $296.50, interest income of $0.76, and no expenses for the month of July. The LPT balance was $46,714.48, reflecting interest income of $1.97 and no expenses for the month of July.
- Membership: Jerry Saxton was absent. He did send a report to the board after the meeting showing 144 paid members, and 382 current contacts.
- Communication: CD reported that the Signpost had published the ES-CA submitted article in the August edition. He noted that ES-CA would be placing an advertisement in the September issue of the Signpost about the Candidate’s Forum, scheduled for September 10.
- IT: No report.
- Political/Legal: JM reported that Jodilynn Ortiz was following up on the pipeline issue and had submitted an email to the board.
- Watchdogs: LK reported that she had two volunteers ready to attend the last County P&Z meeting. She noted that calling volunteers was a more effective method that emailing.
- LPT: Dick Ulmer reported that the court had scheduled a hearing in order that the judge could reiterate her decision that LPT be joined as a party to the lawsuit by Sandoval County against Vulcan.
Current issues were discussed.
- Proposed County Ordinances: BG reported that there has been no public news regarding the proposed oil and gas drilling ordinance.
- BLM: BG reported that Senator Heinrich has introduced a bill in the US Senate that would prohibit mining on BLM lands. He does not know if the bill will ever become law, but it is hoped that the bill may influence BLM to prohibit or severely restrict mining on the Buffalo Tract.
- Hospital Mill Levy: CD referenced his Forum post about the work session held by the County Commission on July 20 to discuss this matter. The Commissioners had instructed the County Manager to prepare a resolution calling for a continued tax of 4.25% for an eight year period. If approved by the Commission at their August 4 meeting, the question will go on the ballot in November. Significant discussion ensued led by Steve Barro and Mike Neas, who both oppose any continuation of the tax. Steve had prepared a document detailing his position. BG suggested that he submit that document to the County Commission and to the press, prior to the CC meeting and that he and Mike attend the CC meeting to express their views. Steve was also asked to submit his document to the board and it was subsequently posted in the ES-CA forum. BG responded to questions about ES-CA taking a position of the tax by noting that ES-CA’s role for now is to monitor governmental actions and note if they are in compliance with existing laws, following procedures, including transparency, and endeavor to inform Placitans of the issues. Before the November vote, ES-CA may want to put this and other issues to a vote in order to raise awareness and understand the opinions of the membership.
- Zoning Amendment Request – Placitas Senior Co-housing: BG reported that the P&Z meeting had been cancelled and this matter will be rescheduled. BG referenced a poll that was conducted by ES-CA concerning high density zoning and the zone change process. His opinion is that ES-CA should not take a position concerning this specific application, other than to insure that the process includes interested citizens. Further, that ES-CA should work with the County to make the zone change process more inclusive and public.
- Bernalillo and SC Government Update: CD referenced prior discussion items and noted that he had no new information from Mayor Torres of Bernalillo.
- Oil and Gas Assoc. Educator: JM referenced the email from Jodilynn Ortiz and noted that this issue will be followed up on at the next meeting.
Upcoming events include:
Candidates Forum: Scheduled for Saturday, September 10, from 2-4 pm at the Placitas Senior/Community Center. Six of the eight invited candidates have responded in the affirmative. We are following up with the remainder of the candidates.
Member Appreciation Day: This is scheduled for Sunday, October 16, at the Placitas Community Library.
Next Meeting: The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 10, 2016, beginning at 6:30 pm at the Placitas Fire Station, 463 Highway 165.