By Dick Ulmer,
At Thursday night’s meeting (8/6) the County Commissioners who were present unanimously approved the resolution thanks to the efforts of many. We especially thank the Commissioner for our District, James Dominguez, for working so closely with us and guiding this through. And the community support at last night’s meeting was great, with a significant number attending and showing unity behind this resolution (and a special thanks to one our community, Doug Sporn, for taking the initiative to be there early with day-glow stickers for each of us to wear saying “SUPPORT THE RESOLUTION”—so that there could be no doubt why all the people were in the room).
We now look forward to continued dialogue with the County, and through them with the BLM, such that we can clearly demonstrate why any proposal for mining on the BLM Buffalo Tract is inconsistent with County policies for the area and would have an “adverse effect” on the County and its citizens.
Thanks to all who participated at the meeting and behind the scenes.