The Board of ES-CA met on May 5. Attending the meeting were Board members: Bob Gorrell, Chris Daul, Ed Majka, Jerry Saxton, and Lynn Koch. Also attending was Dick Ulmer.
Jerry Saxton is going to follow-up on former members who have not renewed to determine how to bring them back as well as looking at expanding the membership. Ed Majka reported for the
Political/Legal Committee as follows:
o Concerning ESCAFCA, Sal Reyes up for re-election this year. Also, ESCAFCA has more projects on the board than money to fund them. Last, Fisher proposes to donate material to build dam for a detention basin, if the property is annexed to Bernalillo. Ed and Chris Daul are following up with both Fisher and the Mayor of Bernalillo to insure that Fisher’s time period for mining is limited and that they will be required to post a bond for reclamation of the site.
Chris Daul reported on Communications and noted that the May article had been published in the Signpost. He stated that he will begin listing all of the ES-CA meetings in the calendar section of the Signpost. The June article will focus on the new Land Use Protection Trust and an ad will also be put in the Signpost about the Trust.
Bob Gorrell is sending a letter to NMDOT requesting status of engineer’s review, concerning the issues at the new I 25/Rt. 165/550 interchange. DOT had agreed to have an outside engineer review the current configuration in relation to the concerns raised by Placitans and communicated to DOT by ES-CA.
The Land Trust was discussed in detail. As noted, the Board decided to concentrate on publicizing the Trust this coming month. The Trust is very important because it will be used to fight for Placitas’ zoning rights in the County, not just for the LaFarge matter.
The Board is reviewing a draft newsletter to be sent out to all Placitas households in July. The newsletter would discuss current issues facing Placitas and announce the upcoming General Meeting on August 2, 2014, from 2-4 pm at the Community Center, and the Candidates’ Forum, scheduled for September 20, 2014, from 1-4pm at the Community Center.
The next Board meeting is scheduled for June 2, 2014, starting at 6:30 pm at La Puerta Realty on Rt. 165. All are welcome to attend.